What’s next for Ess / Fors?

I Will send you a video. Sadly it is likely that it is my lack of familiarity with mac trackpads that is being put on the spot as groovebox operation demands both precise and multiple clicks and dragging

Will also try an external mouse and see if that makes things better

This is an excellent addition. And probably more intuitive for Mac (and iOS) users, where activate-on-mouse-(or finger-)up is the default behavior.


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Hey there. I missed the 1.2b show and tell twitch thing last night. I assume it will be up on YT at some point ? Thanks

All done with Fors :


i had a feature idea in my sleep last night for opal and opal ctl; A/B Morph

This idea is based on the ab morph osc module on lemur. So,

2 little buttons, the same as the ones in the randomizer, one for capture a, one for capture b, then a knob or fader, perhaps a horizontal fader that morphs between these values.

on Octatrack, on Polybrute, Pro 3, etc :slight_smile:

I would have a feature request.

Would it somehow be possible someday to implement an envelope that is shapable log/exp? That feature is missing on almost all grooveboxes all of the time. Would be great to see it here somehow. Don´t know if the opal envelope has exacly the shape you see in the Gui or if its in fact linear?

@Ess I don’t have Opal yet, waiting to purchase Ableton license at the moment, but just wondering does Opal have a sample slice mode to cut up a loop either into equally divided segments or with transient detection? If not, is this something thats coming to Opal?

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The envelopes are all (of course) exponential – a natural response and tuned to be snappy without feeling “ticky”. It’s not the shape that you see in the GUI exactly, but it’s close. (And naturally the attack is logarithmic)

I’ll consider it, but I think in general it can get a little distracting to be able to change the response of all the envelopes.

No, no slice/grid mode – but you can lock a sample to each step.
I don’t have any plans to add that at the moment, but that would be a cool addition indeed.


You may want to experiment with turning off all the ‘extras’ in Apple menu -> System Preferences -> Trackpad.


Secondary click -> Click in bottom right corner
Look up & data detectors: off
Tap to click: off
Force Click: off

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That’s amazing and would love to try this. I don’t have Bitwig but could use Reaper I suppose. Do you mind sharing the way that you connect everything in your setup?

This is absolutely gorgeous and I love the visualizer too.

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Thank you and thank you !

Found the issue/solution before i could record the video. Basically i had somehow gotten the idea that i needed to press and drag a step to turn down the volume. Instead if i press and hold above it and then drag my finger down onto the “pad” i can precicely adjust volume of the step and no more deleted steps!

So yeah 1.20b functions great once i got better hang of touchpad settings and how the dragging/clicking behaviour in Opal works.

Again Love how great Opal works both as individual sound sources (with the Torso T1 sequencing) as well as in a all-in-one Opal groovebox. I’m on a work trip and had an hour in my hotel room this evening for music making, and in such a context it is great that it is possible to have a playable groovebox on a laptop to make really weird noises and rhythms to pass time!

The new updates are nice, thank you very much :pray:

the randomize function is a lot of fun. sometimes I will just hit the randomize button time and time again while resampling the various glitches and weird stuff into a new audio clip then drop it into Simpler and slice it.

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sorry for the slow response, been away for a few dayz…

I’m using VB-voicemeter banana to route abletons audio into bitwig, you could take it the other way if you wish, but i think bitwig is more cpu friendly so i do it this way.

For midi, actually i did successfully get the digitakt to pass the midi via a bitwig instrument channel using a virtual midi pipe, however i came accross an issue i couldnt figure a way around; No matter which midi channel was broadcast from digitakt the bitwig instrument channel would allways output ch 1 via the virtual pipe. So in the end i decided to run the digtakt in ableton, and all my other elektron devices on bitwig. To do this consistently the process i use is switch all devices on and boot bitwig. Then make sure the digitakt is not synched with bitwigs midi or listed as a controller. Then boot ableton and either load it in as overbridge or just usb midi. I then use the live link feature in bitbig and ableton to synch their clocks and it all runs smoothly. Woudl be nice if anyone knows how to get all 16 midi channels to pass through to ableton from digitakt via bitwig tho.

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I imagine that this would work but I don’t have the plugin.

Thank you for your reply, I’ll have a look at an adaptation soon.

VB voicemeter banana is free to download.

I’ll try the demo for this later, thanks!

Man this is hella wacky. Just randomize audio while resampling and mix it all up later.