What’s next for Ess / Fors?

It should work on Big Sur - try the demo, and please let me know if it works or not.


Oh good! I’ll give it a shot this evening, excited! Also, as this may be my only chance to say thank you, you’re an inspiration @Ess thank you so much for all you make and do:)

One thing I realize when reading this thread is how the title repeats itself: “… For Ess / Fors”. I’ve been reading the company name as sounding like “Force”, but what if it’s actually, or also “For Ess”?? :exploding_head:

Another alternative could be “F or Ess”, seeing as Felisha is also a part of the team. Ok, that’s enough babbling from me.


I (hopefully) have a ZRNA Akso on the way. Was wondering if could get it going on that?


I was wrong I’m still on Catalina, whoops, but also good. Even better news, after 5 minutes with the demo I’m loving it! Going in for the full experience now:)

Is around 25% cpu usage expected? That’s what I’m getting in Live 10 suite, macbook pro 15" 2015. I don’t know anything about ordinary cpu usage for soft synths.

Depends on how many voices you use (default is 6) and your samplerate - but yes, it’s a bit CPU hungry due to the supersaw- lots of feedback going on with 7 oscillators at once. Depends on the system too, some people have said it’s very light on theirs.


Cool, I’m going to use it no matter the cpu usage, I was just curious if this was normal :slight_smile: I think it sounds really good, and it’s so quick to get good stuff going.

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@Ess, will you be doing anything with Elektron in the future on a freelance basis?For example, ‘we need some new machines for Model:Cycles, can someone get Ess on the phone, please?’ Or even better, collaborating on making a hardware version of something you and Felisha develop in software maybe? I’m thinking this would ‘solve’ your problem of start up capital for hardware. Or is all of this just wishful thinking on my part? :thinking:


I’ll have to ask the magic 8 ball


What if they agree to change the name of the company to:




The new synth is nice! I like that it’s not hardware.

You strike me as a fine upstanding fellow who would make sure that everything was fully documented before you left so hopefully we’re not reliant on the magic 8 ball for another machine in the M:C and your many fine former colleagues can deliver some joy whilst we enjoy your new endeavours!!!


Well well, Windows version is now available!

So far - overwhelmingly good response! Really happy to hear that people enjoy how it sounds and works. Excited to get started on the next tool… :slight_smile:

Haha, indeed - that is of course not up to the magic 8 ball.


Chrome complains about not being able to securely download the demos (Of course, I can override it, but it might scare off some people). It probably would go away if the downloads to stuff.fors.fm used https instead of http…

Working on the SSL certificate for it, I’m not the best with web stuff :slight_smile:

EDIT: Well, it’s fixed! Maybe I’m OK with web stuff after all


Right on! I’m enjoying playing with the demo, sound lush. I’ve got a couple sequences I already love!

I had to stop playing to do some work (ahem) and kept getting the ‘noise’ of the demo in the background. I confess I think I may just leave the demo stopped and listen to and sample the beautiful noise all by itself – such lovely sounds! (You probably never anticipated that!)


Now you’re making me think I’m missing out by having the real thing rather than the demo :sweat_smile:


i wasn’t fully understading the seq’s transpose and div parts so i had another go, and now i ‘get’ it. and yep it’s awesome. never thought i’d be using a supersaw to write lovely ambient snooze muzak!


Hah, that bodes well for our next instrument… :slight_smile:

Yeah it’s very funky once you get a hang of it! Nice lil tune.