…daws are the most complex sonic tools to handle with…end of the day, that’s always ur main studio tool…
and by now, all the most “famous” ones, can do all the same…each more or less in their own way of workflow…but they all can lead u to the same final results…no matter if u generated it all within them, using them like one multi instrument or used it as a tapemachine and recorded heaps of external signals…
if u engineer for money, ur still better firm with pro tools…in any other case, ur good to go with whatever suits u best…
either way, ur always only as good as ur experienced AND most of all how good u know ur tools inside out…
once u really know how to use the shortcuts and stuff in ur daw, u start to fly with any of them…
i don’t see any real reason why to mix up any daws, if ur producing music just on ur very own demand…
last big difference between various daw concepts are their age of basic concept…
logic, pro tools, cubase, fruity loops all started already in the last century…and it clearly shows, these days…they all still stick to the classic oldschool workflow…pro tools, logic and cubase are still the real pro choice here…while fl is nothing but a thousand workflows in one big mess…
but even that one gets u over the finishline, if u really know ur way around…
but we also got two gamechanging daw concepts from this century…both from berlin…and that’s actual planet nr. 1 daw…ableton live…and superslick bitwig…same same but just a little smarter in the details, since it’s way younger/fresher…not even a decade old by now, but born with all ableton backend know how right from it’s start…
meanwhile, logic on ipad is tempting…but only, if they get it managed, that a project folder can be airdropped back and forth from ipad to desk/laptop…if not, it’s as much liberating at first, as it is a trap, end of the day…
i’ve used pretty much all the big, usual suspects, when it comes to daws…lot’s of protools, lot’s of logic, lot’s of ableton…but never used them in any realtime crossreference…in rewire days i used logic with reason attached…but those days are also long gone and over…
and by now, i’m getting too old and too tired of all this…i made one last choice, three years ago, and found my very final daw…bitwig…
ios and the ipad came a long way…but it’s still not really a truu substitute for truu first but also final studio/audio treatment…and the last ipad i still got in use, sometimes, rarely, just for some sampling snippets, is a decade old and filled with all those first fancy touch touch sound apps…
but sure, if ur on apple, logic is the solid choice…it tried so hard in the last years, to finally be able to offer “same” options as ableton and bitwig do…but at the moment, i transfer all my old/last remaining/unfinished projects from logic to bitwig and once done, i will never look back… really looking forward to be finally able to end my mac only days…