What’s your- ‘F*ck it! I’m buying it!’ synth?

Fuck it, I’m painting it.

Used OTmk1…worst Reverb experience I’ve ever had…

SoftPop 2…someday. Not that expensive, but I’m poor. Always been a fan of Bastl & that one just seems right up my alley. Have yet to find anything that sounds quite like it

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Nice f*ck it! Been looking into it as well. I hesitated in the checkout when noticing that the shipping cost alone was 300+ euro :joy: + VAT and import tax to Sweden would add around 1k to the price alone. Felt that WaveTracing SP950 plug-in comes close to the sound which is what I´m after. Was it worth it? Does the workflow add to the experience or does the menu and processing time make it feel slow/old?

This FACT Against the clock session triggered the GAS when it came out. Hearing something else than the expected Boom Bap hip hop felt refreshing.

after two plus years of controlling GAS two week ago I purchased a second hand Polyend Tracker. I just couldn’t resist the portability and the change in "production / workflow"orientation.

Get ready to be blown away. Such a techno powerhouse. Been using mine pretty much every day, every chance I get, haven’t turned on my modular in a month.

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That’s good to read. Thanks.

I was actually wavering between a Rev2 and OB-6, but felt the OB-6 would be the better option with a Prophet-6 already in the studio. I am anxious for its arrival.

Just curious how you feel about having the keyboard? Do you find it adds something to the Take 5? I only ask because the keyboard on my Grandmother very much adds to the that synth. I don’t think it would be the same experience without it. It makes it feel like a more traditional instrument. Meaning I’m drawn to actually playing it and exploring musical arrangements, rather than simply exploring the synthesis and sound design aspect of it. Hard to describe and I’m not 100% sure if it’s just the keyboard or the sum of all the parts on the Grandmother (the arpeggiator and sequencer are a huge part of the experience as well). For space reasons, I never saw myself as needing an attached keyboard on a synth until I got this one.

This was also a “fuck it, I’m buying it” impulse type of purchase, as there was a Dark one marked down quite a bit for a sale now that they have ended production of those. It looked fantastic and I was feeling crappy, so I needed something to get me out of my funk. The universe really delivered, I feel like I hit the jackpot with this one.

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completely as you describe. The keyboard and knob per function interface makes it feel like an instrument. Much more than my desktop stuff to be honest. The keyboard adds surprisingly lot. And there is a difference to having masterkeyboard connected somewhere, an onboard keyboard with the controls directly above it just feel so much more immediate.

Due to space reasons I always went for desktop boxes. And often even for menu driven synths (e.g. elektron…), but since I got the T5 it’s drawing me away from them.
It’s likely that I replace some of that stuff with another keyboard synth eventually


Knob per function are a must for me going forward as well. Lesson learned. Do you have any tracks with the T5 yet? I’d love to hear them!

Totally agree on this, and I’ve had a transition away from modules to synths over the last year or two.
A module with a midi keyboard breaks the feel and flow IMO, and for that ‘space saving’ reasoning, I think 3 modules and a midi controller is a similar footprint to 1 or 2 synths… I would rather go deep on those 1 or 2 synths (or 4 in my case right now).

Strangely, the Analog Four is the anomaly to this rule for me… I have the A4 mk2 and the Analog Keys and much prefer the A4mk2.


No real finished tracks unfortunately.
But I made lots of little demos when I got it.


Search results for 'take 5 @Unifono' - Elektronauts

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Add a Korg ARP 2600 M to the list. Fortunately, it is in stock and should arrive early next week.

I almost added a Waldorf M to the order, but decided not to get carried away. If my Sequential OB-6 Desktop order is delayed to after Christmas, the Waldorf M will be ordered this year. Otherwise, I will wait until the new year. Then, I am done with synth purchases for a while.


Congrats! Beautiful synth. My only wish is that they would offer it without the suitcase and cheap plastic midi keyboard. Besides that it’s just about perfect. If I had the space it would definitely be right up there at the top of my list.

It would look beautiful next to my Grandmother Dark. Functional art. 🫣

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The new Korg Bass Minilogue

I wasn’t aware of this new Minilogue, thanks for the tip.

Its beautiful

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I’m curious to know how it compares to the Monologue.

I agree. There is an option without the keyboard, but it still comes with a black hard case. The said option saved me a couple hundred dollars.

Oddly, the Korg ARP 2600 M will be placed next to my Grandmother Dark when it arrives. I am hoping to create some insane patches by using them together.

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Oh man, will you please tag me if you post anything? I’ve been very interested to know how well they work together and what kind of things are possible. Would love to hear your impressions and any music you make.

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