What’s your- ‘F*ck it! I’m buying it!’ synth?

You can sell grandmothers ?


‘Buy once cry once’

I also got virus ti around 09, #%@$ it I’m buying it
It was a way to stop myself from buying other digital synths and that actually worked pretty well

My recent &!@# it was when when Dave Smith passed, always wanted a sequential and I passed up a polyevolver a long time ago. I really don’t need it but… …OB6


An Access Virus TI. Had a Virus B for years but couldn’t resist the urge to upgrade for the prices they go for now. All hail ACCESS. :smiley:


True, but there are still quite many options in the expensive high quality category :slightly_smiling_face:

Mine was an MS-20M that became available at a decent price during lockdown, and it certainly came in handy then.

For the future it’d be either a Korg ARP 2600M, or a Deckard’s Dream for the full-on all-in feeling.

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The p10 was definitely one of those moments for me. I recently “decided” to sell it. Took photos, boxed it up. Haven’t been able to bring myself to list it though.

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Probably this unreleased Ciat Lonbarde one

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If i had the money i would go Buchla.

So i guess it’ll just be : F*ck it ! i’m buying this Volca Modular


will log another entry for “all of them,” but the p12 module was definitely one of those purchases. when sequential announced they were discontinuing the p12, i jumped on a good deal. in retrospect, the keyboard version would’ve been better, but also more expensive and bigger. there’s no room for such a thing in my space. as with many others, i don’t regret the purchase, just my lack of skills.


I had strong “faq it im buying it” for Mnm, MDuw and OB6 keyboard.

Now im left with “faq it I’ll probably buy it” for OB8x

But i was really pleasantly surprised with Lyra 8, OT mk2 and Hydrasynth


Sequential Pro 3 for me, was a burning desire to own this synth - even though my style at the time was mostly sample based and didn’t really call for an analog mono synth, but it certainly didnt hurt. It’s the only synth I’ve also never sold, feels like family now.


p12 module, and Syntakt :slight_smile:


Moog Model 10 was probably the closest I’ve come to saying “F*ck it! I’m buying it!”, but even then, I agonized and obsessed over it for well over a year before actually doing it, so I am not sure it counts. I usually consider each piece of gear very carefully before purchasing it, more so if it is an expensive purchase. Not surprisingly, I rarely regret buying an instrument.


Pulsar 23 was my F@ck it synth.

It was fun while it lasted but in the end it was a bit of a PITA to operate. Great for exploration not entirely as great if you want to make a quick beat


MS20 for me. I didn’t have enough money to buy them when the original full size reissues were released, and was very interested in the white MS20 mini but could never bring myself to buy one (mostly because it had black side panels wtf?), so when Korg announced the white FS version I knew I’d have to get one. Ordered one as soon as they were available in Australia.

I guess Syntrx is that too, but that was more about getting a really good offer on my



and that being the “fuck it” decision.


Syntrx vs Monomachine <-- that seems like a tough choice.

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Access Virus C was one for me. I was chuffed to get my Prophet '08, but that was more a case of being patient waiting for a good deal, if I’d snapped it would have been for a Rev 2 haha

I actually just made a new gear purchase that fits in this category, I’ll talk more about that in a couple days when it arrives :grin:

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I definitely don’t regret the MS-20M, but it was a case of it being on eBay, so I didn’t have as long to agonise about it as I usually would and thus not spend the money.

A Moog Model 10 was available at Bax for a long time, but I never went so far as considering if I could actually go for it though.

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ARP 2600 FS was the one for me - as soon as that was announced I jumped immediately, as I sort of figured it could be a once in a lifetime opportunity thing. I then spent the several months it took to land selling other bits etc.


Mine is not a synth at all and also happened very very recently. I’m taking part in NGNY and it’s been going well until now. I had no urges to buy anything and I felt content with the stuff I had.

Last week I was in need of some extra money and decided to offload a bunch of gear that I didn’t really use that often. Sold a couple of pedals, a few cheapish synths and some other studio equipment. As the money started piling up as those numerous small sales combined into quite a bit of money, I started to fantasize about the Linnstrument again. I checked and there was one b-stock 128 in Thomann for a good price. As I own a business I can also deduct VAT, so the price got ever sweeter. A couple of days ago, I said ”fuck it” pulled the trigger and now I’m waiting for it to be delivered.

It’s been a long time coming. I have a couple of overlapping interests that I think the Linnstrument 128 will cater to perfectly. I’d like to learn music theory better and I’d like to learn to play my guitar better. The Linnstrument kind of forces me to use the same fretboard approach to my synths and therefore maybe hasten my learning of both.

It’s an added bonus that it’s an MPE controller that fits in the same totebag with my iPad Pro. Instead of carrying my MPC Live everywhere with me to make music, I’ll just grab my Linnstrument and try to learn to play it like a normal keyboard - except better.