What’s your- ‘F*ck it! I’m buying it!’ synth?

I’m a bit of an impulsive buyer so there’s an element of F it in many of my purchases.

The most common being F it as in someone is selling one of the dozen synths I’ve been interested in for a while. For a good price, natch. Done that numerous times.

The previous combined with F it as in it’s way past midnight and I probably should just sleep on it.

Then there’s F it as in I really don’t know if this piece will work for me. It’s interesting but I haven’t really done my research. Done this several times as well, especially during the first 1,5 years into my synth years. Ciat-Lonbarde, Lyra-8, eurorack… all failures for me to an extent. The only proper success has probably been the Subharmonicon.

The obvious one is F it as in it’s expensive. That’s my most expensive purchase by far, the Kawai K200 ATX3 piano. Zero regrets, absolutely love that thing and my kids love to play it as well.

The ultimate F it I’m buying it would involve me first having to sell something like the Monomachine, which I love but have trouble using in an actual track. Haven’t done this so far.


Yeah. I justified it because it was essentially replacing one unique synth with another. I feel like I got everything I wanted out of the Monomachine. Plus the amount of money and trade I got for it was ridiculous.


For me, it was the miniKORG 700FS. When I first heard about a re-issue, I clearly said Fuck it, I’m buying it, no matter what my situation is and what will be the price.

This wasn’t a case of GAS, it was a sentimental case of personal life story.

GAS vs Sentimental, this could be an interesting thread.


Hmm. In the past few months I bought a gs mini koa plus, td-27kv, an acoustic bass guitar, op1f, tx-6, and rebought op-z. All f’it.

Shit. I definitely need to sell some stuff.


Yeah actually this somewhat describes my desire for both the MS20 and Syntrx. My bandmate has an MS10 and for a while had a Synthi AKS, and I found both incredibly inspiring.


oh didn’t answer the thread ha.
It was the Rev2 and the Machinedrum for me. Machinedrum more than the Rev2 as the Rev2 was a “logical” upgrade to my Mopho SE+Tetra. The Machinedrum was just a long journey to find the right deal with a GAS as its climax so I smashed the buy button before I even knew it!

P-6, OB-6, P-5 are a constant fight to not jump the gun but my bank account and my musical career are a good reality check :sweat_smile:


And then i sold it. F*ck it! And I bought it again.


Mine was a Korg Oasys 76.

Cost me £5300 back in 2005.

The look on the face of the sales guy at Turnkey was hilarious.

When TC Electronic released the Fireworx fx unit, I ended up buying 2. Asked the salesman if they we’re in stock, then literally said “Fuck it, I’ll take 2 please. Turnkey loved me.


That’s me with the OT.

Currently on my 7th!! But I get it now……honest!


I recently acquired a Rev2 desktop thinking I’ll try this first and then, I’ll try a P5 and a P6 and decide after which one I’ll stick with. After 2 weeks of using it, I don’t even know if I feel the need to try the other twos. It simply fills my needs. Gorgeous Sound.


This was sort of me too, with a Rev2 desktop… I’ve got a P-6 arriving later today. :upside_down_face:



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The 7th?
What was wrong with the other 6? :thinking: :laughing:

My favorite one could be a eurocrack with a folder. I‘m investigating…

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Congrats on the Rev2!
It is a wonderful synth!
It is even more so with the VCM basic preset done by a very smart guy. It adds a lot of subtle modulations to the sound, akin to the vintage knob on the P-5/6. If you haven’t tried it, give it a try!

The Rev2 is my first “big boy”’ synth so it has emotional value and will stay where it is. but they all sound so different: P-6, warmer, softer, mellower, everything is a sweet spot. The default Patch 7 is legendary. P-5, phaaat… soooo phaaaat and gorgeous, especially P-10 with the new bi-timbral mode (my only gripe aside from the price is… it’s mono, me love the Rev2 pan spread a loooot so… ). OB-6… I just love that sound.

In the meantime, the Rev2 is a sound design powerhouse and yes, it sounds gorgeous!


Ha - you probably ran into an old friend and fellow DJ working there around that time in that case… I’ll ask him if he remembers someone buying an Oasys like that!

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It was the Vermona Perfourmer for me last year, had been out of stock a ton during covid, found one in Canada and decided to overpay due to shipping and bought so I could stop wasting time searching, was literally between jobs so sold off my Deluge to make sure we didnt go into savings




I had to book an appointment to demo it as it wasn’t displayed on the shopfloor.

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MnM, 2 years ago.

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Similar story, about a decade ago I traded in 80% of the gear I’d accumulated for a Voyager, which seemed like an impossible luxury at the time. I’ve since padded it out with the VX and CP boxes (and a couple of MFs), and it’s a system I hope I never have to get rid of.

My only regret there was that I included my JX-3P in the trade, though I expect I’m looking back at that with rose-tinted specs.

My 303 was another ‘fuck it’ moment, finding one I could just about afford at a time when my disposable income was about to take a clobbering. A proper ‘now or never’ occasion that I knew I’d regret if I missed out.

Recently it’s only the Pulsar that has been giving me the same vibes, but I’m a lot more mellow about these kind of things in my dotage, so I’ve been able to stave that one off so far. I’ve certainly had a few ‘what the hell’ purchases, but the days of the 'fuck it’s might well be behind me.

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