What’s your- ‘F*ck it! I’m buying it!’ synth?

Terra by Soma…🪵:alien::robot:

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Osmose for me was my “damn, that preorder price is surprisingly low” synth. That was in 2019.

Prophet 5 Desktop is the reigning fuck-it synth. Didn’t need it, but when I saw it discounted 15% I knew I wouldn’t stop thinking about it until I bought it.


Do fuck it I’m buying it reverbs count? :smirk:

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Mine last year was the new Oberheim OB X8 and love it!

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Wow, nice.
I wussed out on the SYNTRX. It still haunts me.
Mk1 I might add, the new one doesn’t excite me.

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EMS Synthi AKS. It’s a four year wait. Forget about it I got my name on the list


I would expect this, at first. I think an important part of achieving a long-term goal of integrating it with your other gear is to feel comfortable with it and to explore it slowly and organically. Guilt can be a complicated thing to deal with, but if you can accept the P5 for what it is now, it may help in getting it to where you would like it to be.


I have exactly the same reaction to the new one as well, though rationally I can see that there are a good number of improvements in terms of the functionality of the Syntrx 2.

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Yeah, you see that’s too rational. :smile:

I’m really not so sure about the improvements, though. The quirky bits of the original EMS design are a big part of the appeal for me. And I feel like those have been slightly watered down in the new version.

But the old one certainly looks much better, no two ways about it.


I’m totally on the same page about the quirky bits. In fact, enough so that I just did a gear trade for an original Syntrx. So I’ll see how much that holds once I have one in hand!


Logically, I get this and totally agree. It’s the convincing myself part, that I’ve got to work on.

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I was young, dumb, and had money burning a hole in my pocket. I don’t even remember how much I spent, but it certainly was far too much. I desperately wanted to get into electronic production. Oof, the regret is uncalculable.


this year’s subj is SH-4d.


My fuck it I’m buying it synth was in 2017. I saw the first Lyra 8 prototype demo and immediately put my name on the waiting list, a few months later I got an email, ‘We have one ready for you, if you still want it’
It arrived in December 2017.

Everything else has been quite calculated.

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I’m coveting the Crumar Seven with a salivating mouth and wide eyes. I might have to do it… it’s a bit colourful for my taste but I think I can forgive it.

Synthi A, not AKS sadly.

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Intellijel Cascadia would be top of my list. Unfortunately its release coincides with plans to drastically downsize my gear collection.


Is anyone else thinking ‘f*ck it!’ about the new Minimoog reissue? :sweat:


I’ve bought a couple of less expensive synths this year (under $400 each), but if I were to say “fuck it” and just go all out it’d be an OB-6 and/or Waldorf Iridium. Those are the last two I’m lusting as of the past few years. I’m very fulfilled and content all around otherwise in the synth department.

Got a Roland V-Synth GT because it was in my list of desires since ages. Even if it gets as an incomplete and buggy machine, firmware-wise.
Also didn’t have the space to accomodate it…but…whatever…I just got it because yes.
And now it’s with me and its friends !
BTW, its vocoder is moving…