What’s your- ‘F*ck it! I’m buying it!’ synth?

Gamechanger Motor Synth MK2


Haken Continuum Slim

A lotta money, but I can’t not have these two. I just can’t.

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At the moment it’s probably the Behringer Pro-800. I really don’t need another synth but at that price for an 8 voice poly, fuck it!


For me, Prophet 10 desktop has been that synth. On a rational level, it was completely irrational to go for it because I had more than enough sonic power under my fingers back then. In hindsight, I have zero regrets. Sold a Hydrasynth desktop, which was too complex for my needs, to finance a Strymon Volante for the P10 and to avoid it from taking dust.

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There’s that, but we’re also kind of in a renaissance of synth gear lately as well. Many, many startups releasing outstanding products with features that either never existed before or better refinements of things that have been around. Seems like every month or so there’s some wild flagship product that gets released. The glut of YouTube gear influencers doesn’t help much

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Yeah, the Pro-800 is the first bit of GAS in several years. I just got my Cirklon and will CC the hell out of the Pro.


Dreadbox Erebus v3 might very well be, but fortunately for my bank account it’s impossible to find :sweat_smile:

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Kodamo MASK 1… I think

It’s the best one (even if Dreadbox themselves don’t think so). I sold mine and replaced it with an M32 and regretted it.

I have the Erebus reissue now but V3 had a lot more going on.

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Do they? What’s your source?

It’s why the reissue is based on V2, Yannis mentions it in a few of the interviews when it was revealed (last year’s Superbooth maybe?). I was surprised when he said it.

I found the vid, thx. Chip shortage issue was the cause.

The v2 reissue oscillators are more stable.
I just have to wait for v3 reissue then :wink:

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Ha nice, I definitely remember in one interview he said “based on the best version of the Erebus”, but maybe he was in salesman mode :wink:

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Mine was an Instruo Cs-L, F*ck it, I’m gonna get into modular. I’ll keep it to a small case, I said…

4 years and 19U x 236HP later… :lying_face: