What should be my 1st eurorack?

Synthtech e370 & Erogenous Tones Radar, Blip & VC8 & Zetaohm FLXS1.
Pricey but you’ll be immediately deep into a versatile set-up that is in a familiar paradigm coming from Elektron … though there are a thousand answers to the best way to start (if you set an initial 1,2 or 3k initial budget).

Alternatively you could aim for cheaper and more modules and enjoy the patchability.

You might be wise to dl vcv rack and decide if you really want your music making to be a modular puzzle of interacting objects first. Endless permutations can be a creativity killer for some people; for others it is the essence of turn on, tune in and drop out.


Dive in and go with 20k Moog or a Rumburak :grinning:

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because i need to make another sound and WMD / SSF Monolith give me traditional sound. I need more experimental sound for my music. What you want to be more musical or more experimental :slight_smile: Then decide what will buy :slight_smile:

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I am strongly thinking on getting my first Eurorack system, mainly because I fell in love in Qu-bit Prism (thanks @mharpum !).

So I imagine that I would need a crossfader, so I can go from a stuttering twisted effect back to the normal 4/4 flow of my music. The Axys would do the job I guess, but I find it a little expensive.

I find that I can use the Doepfer A-134-2 as a stereo crossfader, but it does not have an actual knob, just CV input. It can be set to 0…5V range. On the other hand, I happen to have a Mother 32 (actually, two), which, in the most clockwise VC Mix setting, outputs 5V from it’s mixer (I am wondering, is this 5V precise enough to match the A-134-2 upper range?)

So, with an A-134-2 and Mother’s Mix knob, I would have stereo crossfade for less than half of the price of the Axys. (the Axys is actually two stereo crossfaders, but I only need one…) Of course, by sacrificing the VC Mixer from the M32.

But, is my thinking right…? As a beginner I am not entirely sure that I know what I am doing.

(I am also looking at 2ms Listen I/O for I/O, Doepfer A-148v for sample&hold, and the Tiptop Happy Ending case)
Any advice would be appreciated!

Hey, you wouldn’t need a cross fader. You can just turn the effect on and off with a trigger or gate. You would need an input module to boost line level to modular levels. I started with a hek and expanded when I needed to. I will warn you, it is a very expensive hobby and the addiction is strong to start with!

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Thanks for the warning, yes, I know… I am walking into my dark fate :man_shrugging:
Crossfading <- I don’t need? I know that I can turn the freeze function on/off, but not the whole effect as per the manual. What I imagine the following: OK, I turn on time-locked freeze, then I make the stuttering faster with the Time knob, play with the hpf filter, decimate the bang out of it, then suddenly I want to return and turn everything off with no delay no anything, continue song as it were.

Doesn’t this make sense to you?

Yes, thanks for the warning about input module! I think 2ms Listen I/O will do that job.

So it will be a master effect? You run a song through it for live mash up when you want. I reckon that will be pretty difficult with only 2 hands! You gotta cross fade then press the button to stutter, twiddle the knobs and then crossdafe back quickly. I use a sequential switch (wmd ssm) to automate this process for me, it can switch between several inputs and outputs with a trigger or cv. Then use tuned cv to automate the parameters of the prism to give semi random results. I think an octatrack would be better suited for stutter and live performance type effects. What do you use to make tunes with currently?

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Yes, master effect. Currently: Analog Four, Rytm, two Mother32, and a Heat.

The Octatrack would transform everything into the digital domain - even if I am not using an effect at all, that’s something I do not want.

Plan is the following: A4 emits clock signal. Firstly, obviously, it would make the Prism sync to clock, secondly: Mother 32 VC Mix -> Doepfer S&H module -> Prism Freeze CV in. So that I could turn on Freeze on the correct beat - at least that is what I am thinking now.

I would use the sequencer from the mother 32 to dial in the delay times. Th s&h module would need to be attenuated and offset to give usable CV. There is a warble/slapback effect when you change delay times so they would need to be changed when the effect is not being used. If you want to avoid this you would need a digital delay module like the 4ms DLD. I believe the Prism is also digital so it’s going to be converted to digital either way! The CV input of the Prism changes the delay time, you also need a trigger or gate to activate/deactivate the freeze function.

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