What size are these speaker stand height knobs?

I lost the little knobs that you use to set the height of these speaker stands. Can someone give me an educated guess of the approximate size, and I’ll buy a few pair larger and smaller online? I don’t recognize the label, but I think the stands came from Europe, so the knobs would be sized in the metric system, if that’s a consideration. Here are some photos:

It’s tricky to tell what the mechanism is. But let’s assume threaded on the inner(upper) tube. Your upper limit is the diameter of the outer tube hole.

It’s unlikely to be anything other than M6 or M8 at most.

But my suggestion would be to take the screw out of the top plate which secures the inner tube and see if that bolt will thread onto the inner tube shaft. Don’t force anything. If good then measure the outer diameter of threaded part. If not then you know what it isn’t and which way to go.

The knob on the og is more a convenience. You can probably source a regular bolt which isn’t too long and that is threaded all the way at a local hardware store or maybe your local bike shop. Take the inner pipe along with you.

When you know size you can work with a less convenient regular bolt or source a part that’s similar


Can you measure with a ruler?

If I had to guess I’d say it’ll be an M8 fitting.

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Check from the other stand? You do have two of them?

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Look at Mr Stereo over here


You got me hahaha :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

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It is a post that prompts many questions:

A) Where is the other stand?
B) What happened to the hardware?

Ok maybe just 2 questions.

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I appreciate the adventurous mood you set up with the “many questions” thing.

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Of course, I’ve lost them both. I forgot I have this little Stew-Mac measurement card for guitar action. It gives me 16 64ths diameter for the outer hole, so that’s 1/4", but maybe it’s metric and measurement error throws it slightly off. Is M8 the best guess? I guess I’d get two each of M7, M8, and M9. This assumes some sort of standard thread pitch.

Yeah most likely M6 or M8 as others have said.

Every time I hear/read “metric system” I can’t help but think of a “Royale with cheese” :laughing:


A) The other stand is in the same room, just not in the pic.
B) The little pouch that held the hardware for years did not contain the two missing parts. I’m usually pretty efficient with keeping unused stuff all together, but apparently not in this case.

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So it’s M6

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Ordered. If the slipper fits, I’ll post here.

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Since we’re on a hot streak here, does anyone know where to get a makeup applicator that’s larger (on the left) than the standard size (on the right)?

Three of a perfect pair:


You must’ve been sleepless waiting on those coming, you’ll need some discipline not to lose 'em again eh (insert beat pun here) i’ll get my coat :wink:


I am wheels!