What to get next -> Perkons v Pulsar 23 v Octatrack

For me the Perkons is the most desirable of these 3. But just because i wasn’t feeling the Octatrack. The OT can do so much that it technically beats the others. And when you click with it it’s a dream machine. But having everything right there without menus is a wonderful experience too.

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Choose the way of suffering, joy breeds weakness and slothery.


I’ve placed an offer on the octatrack we will see how it goes :slight_smile:

Sell everything and pursue gardening. So much more fulfilling.


I’m well acomplished in gardening, no need to sell anything either :slight_smile:


2 of my offer for the octatrack were declined. I’m back to square one reconsidering all options :rofl:

Ok, then get a Perkons! :slight_smile:

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I got a really good deal on Pulsar-23 in black. Can’t wait to pick it up. :heart_eyes:

Octatrack for sale locally was’nt exactly super new and priced too high so I can wait for another example to show up for sale.

But in general, the only right answer to my original question is to get all of the 3 machines mentioned.
octatrack will be next in line.

In the future, Perkons will be finally available without the wait for preorder and maybe even some 2nd hand units will be available.

Cheers guys :stuck_out_tongue:


this is always the answer to “which should I get?”

good choice. it’ll be a great companion to the Pulsar.

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I got the pulsar 23 already. OMG what a nice sound machine that is.

Quite compact in its size, I was expecting a little bit bigger box.
The sound of all 4 modules bd, bass, snare, hihat is just something else. So raw and organic and very industrial sounding which I love.

I have made my first patch and there is a lot of hand on experience when using this machine. I have it routed now to Zen Delay and the range of original sounds possible is just insane.

All in all really happy with the choice but already thinking how cool this setup will be after addition of the octatrack. Can’t wait :slight_smile: