What would be a solid/unique polyphonic addition to a setup?



Anyone tried omnisphere with a hardware synth yet? Is that an option?

Ive got a virus plugged into a heat, sounds fine and can control it pretty well with digitakt, really nice combination imho

Missed this, yes really good choice, my main rig is a4 and MD, fit really nice together in a mix and great for jamming, good luck , have fun!

Nord Lead A1. Four poly synths in one (4 part multi timbre). Each synth has FM, AM, Ring modulation, a ton of different wavetables (like formant, bell or analog style), different filters (303, Moog, etc.) and its own great sounding reverb, delay and multi effect (chorus, flanger, ensemble, overdrive). It also has a great user interface.

It doesn’t sound 100% analog, but that doesn’t matter that much in the mix.

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You should consider this amazing, really experimental and fun Korg prologue. It can do big 80s sounds but also very symphonic and atmospheric stuff. Listen with good headphones and enjoy.

Have you used the Prologue? It’s onlt $1,499 currently and comes with a free Electribe… I heard it had tuning issues. Has that been fixed?

Not all of them have tuning issues. And yes I have used it and it sounds fantastic. It has eurorack-like properties, and the keybed is better than a Moog

It (Prologue) sounds too close to the Minilogue to justify the huge price difference

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I’ve heard the 8-voice suffers for not having the low frequency compressor that’s on the 16-voice, but I’ve not tried one myself.

I’ve got my final decision ahead of me. I increased the limit to $2,000 lol.

We have either:

  1. Another Digitone and an Analog Four
  2. A Dave Smith OB-6

Anyone have final comments before I pull a trigger?

I think the OB-6 sounds amazing, I’d love one. If six voices is enough I’d go with that myself.

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It does sound so amazing D: it’s so fat the voice limitation is no problem.

Wild suggestion incoming! Have you considered not buying another synth? It’s a crazy notion I know but it sounds like if you’re just now getting into parameter locks then you still have a lot more fun to be had with the Digitone.
Have you thought about midi sequencing your VSTs with the Digitone? Imagine the sequencing craziness of the Digitone applied to any softsynth of your choosing!


Have you considered spending less Money? Minilogue or Modal Skulpt through the Digitone might bei nice alternatives. Digitone can sequence and plock both, because they are fully Midi controllable. Both have a unique sound and are good enough for the more Classic analog String Pads, but also modern Take on These.
If you consider the OB6 than consider also the P6.

I would second the Ambika recommendation, it’s a beautiful synth with a tremendous range of sound possibilities and voice configuration options. I adore mine but have to sell it cause I need something that’s better for drums/percussion. Definitely worth investigating.

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Ambika all the way.

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Build one! Zynthian springs to mind, or something more custom;