What would be the next level for Elektron sequencer?

Ability for volume curve applyed to a track as performance macro. I.e. i press a button a selected curve is performed over x bars.

Control Octatrack step length with the crossfader would be pretty sweet (per track/tracks).

I have a dream that information could be presented in a more detailed and immediate way, as it is on trackers. E boxes are tracker inspired, after all! It’d probably never happen but I imagine something like each physical trig button having its own small screen, displaying information that is up to the user.

As someone who is interested in making harmonically complex music, it would be awesome if each trig could display which notes are set to be played on the trig. Especially on polyphonic tracks like the digitone’s.

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:thinking: Vertical is top to bottom like a traditional tracker UI…

yeah, you got me there :stuck_out_tongue:

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I’ve also asked for the Not version of the conditionals, but it’s been several years so I doubt they will do it.