Whats going on with Youtube?

Hm you have a source for that info, is it your experience?
On ios you mean?
Ad guard they say is open source, battery usage says zero, everything snappy.
Yes lockdown app uses around 2%, there maybe, but thats more for the feeling, not necessary to block ads in yt, also open source.
Or use brave
Also, in new ios other browsers will be more independent( not safari-based) they say.

On mac safari, yes stupid that u block origin isnt possible anymore, i use wipr, dont like the concept. in big sur they say blocking will be included like in brave, lets see, how good it is.
Just use something else(firefox, brave…) for videos and blocking with ublock origin. Install no ad ons for safari. I am absolutely no expert. They are happy ( as far as possible anyway) with ublock origin and its open source.

The whole ad economy is a interesting mystery to me when ads and facebook tracking is blocked almost automatically in edge and safari. i never see any ad, some strange links when scrolling to news comments. In tv a lot and some sad leftover ads in newspapers, im a normal tv and newspaper junkie. But ad economy experts say tv doesnt matter, only online…

Yeah I definitely think it is a double edged sword, no doubt the internet can be a fantastic way of reaching fans, no doubt, but tempered by the fact that there is so much to wade through it can be difficult for some to stand out or for fans to find stuff, especially given corporate dominance of platforms like FB, YT etc. I’m not complaining it is what it is, we adapt or not.

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Before streaming services, everybody was burning CDs and downloading MP3s for years. The music industry was on the ground. Now with streaming there is at least a little revenue coming back.
The thing is: a lot of people just dont want to pay or cant afford to buy all the music they want to listen to. But I know a lot of people who never owned big CD collections and mostly pirated their stuff who now are happily paying 12€ a month for the convenience of having access on everything at their finger tips on every device that they own from every place in the world.
On the other hand that small monthly fee is not nearly as much what an average music consumer spent at the record store in the old days, so there is not much to distribute…all in all It’s a sad world for small niche artists that want to make a living solely off their art, but this is it, there is no money in selling recordings.

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Back in the day, some discs you just couldnt buy. You couldnt buy just any cd or record you wanted. I remember looking years and years for a chris liebing 12 inch. Or even a simple thing like a dj shadow cd wasnt an easy purchase. If they were out of stock, they were out of stock. Copying from friends on mini disc or cassette wasnt robbery. There wasnt any internet in most homes.

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I don’t know about that. When I was a kid my dad bought maybe 3 cds a year. I couldn’t afford one a month on my allowance and I wanted to do other things too like go to movies. After the Internet I never bought more than one a month. I spend more on listening to music now (streaming) than I ever have before in my life


If it isn’t available on vinyl and I want to play it out, then chances are i’m going to download it without necessarily paying for it. Better to be honest than pretend. Streaming doesn’t work for me and youtube works for listening to stuff, but that’s it.

I do sometimes buy tunes digitally if they aren’t available elsewhere, but it’s all about having a hard copy for me, or it’s disposable music.

I would still buy a Pink Floyd album on CD, or a DJ Format album/single or some other artists I love on vinyl, pay to see their shows (not going to happen with Floyd, yet I still watch their solo projects), but the concept of paying £9 for tracks from an album with no hard copy just seems like a con, particularly as most CD’s could be bought from some music shops for much less than that through the 90’s. Buying a piece of plastic with artwork used to be exciting, and I’m sure I could could have bought a second house with what i’ve spent on vinyl over the years, but Napster changed everything. People didn’t need to buy a record/cd collection to listen to good music anymore. But much of the enjoyment of listening to music went with it.


No what is worse is, when you are in the middle of an antidepressivum relax session (or maybe ASMR), with a soft female voice telling you to relax, and inhale, exhale…BOOM Loud Music: Buy our latest shit!..inhale…exhale…

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Yeah I don’t miss those days of trying to track down domestic versus foreign releases with different tracks and art for double or triple the price.

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…also truu is…
i know way more friends and collegues around me these days, that can really make an at least ok living from their music end of the day, than back in the 90ies, when i was a doomed and damned major bitch…

today i can release whatever whenever under any project brand the minute it feels right or crossed my mind…
back then all had to be layed out and planned upfront at least for a year…

and a heyho to all those complaining techno only “artists” these days…
face the fact that all kind of techno lasts nothing but just the minute it moves some more or less asses out there for good in realtime…and whoosh it’s gone…next to come…
that is part of that whole game…stop bothering…enjoy the moment…and move on…

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Haha yes. You finally managed to find the record, and then booom! Those suckers left out the one track you actually bought the record for. And then once more you had a record to swap-hustle for another one.

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The real rub is the pressings for these are usually wretched.

I was super excited to get the kid their own Billie Eillish vinyl to discover it was unplayable from pops. Watching their excitement turn to disappointment in real time was gut wrenching. What kind of impression will that make on these kids and objects??

YouTube is still way better than Facebook from an artist’s POV imo. We have around 500 FB fans confirmed as following our posts on there and if we put out a video single organically, it’s shown to maybe 15-20% of them. WTF! Therefore, we’re forced to fork out 20-30€ to do an ad and ensure at least half of our actual followers see it. Fucking disgraceful!

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I stopped using Facebook a few months ago and it didn´t effect my plays on youtube or sales on bandcamp. Imho the promotional benefit of facebook is minimal while the the increase of life quality when you don´t use it is significant.


I use facebook but I waste 10 times more hours in this forum :upside_down_face:


Also, why does is pause only when you’re watching it and never when you fall asleep?

If I had a pound for everytime I’d woken up to hear Nick Batt and Namm 2017 at 4am…


I was listening to a 5 min song on yt, then I get interrupted with a 12 MINUTE AD! Wtf? There is nothing in this world you can sell me that takes 12 minutes to advertise. I get sick of hearing myself talk after 5 minutes. Seriously, who sits back and listens to a gd 12 minute ad? Remember when there was cable tv and all the ads were 30 sec or a minute? Ah, the good ole days… Let’s make Americaaaaaaa… :drooling_face:

I’m one of the guys with a huge record collection. It’s a remnant from my dj years, but I still buy new and used vinyl regularly. I mostly listen to my music on my computer when I’m working etc. I don’t use spotify or any other streaming services, I use iTunes and listen to my own library which at this point is around 10000 albums. (I also have around five old iPods which I use when I’m on the go.)

I’ve tried Spotify and Apple Music but I never came up with any good ideas on what to listen. The search box paralyzed me. I ended up listening to things that I didn’t have on vinyl yet. Things that were on my wantlist. If I’m standing in front of my own record collection I always come up with something I want to listen. With streaming I always draw a blank.

As I listen mostly from my digital music library, I need my vinyls to have a download code. If I buy a new vinyl for 25-35€ and it doesn’t have the download option, I feel that it’s okay for me to download it illegally, but that’s the only time I download anything illegally.

I go to fleamarkets a lot and cds cost an euro each nowadays. Basically for the monthly fee of Spotify I can get 9-10 great cds second hand. Anything from Basic Channel techno to nu metal is up for grabs every day. I have a longish wantlist of cds and vinyls and every now and then I order a package from a seller on Discogs. At the moment I’m waiting for a six cd package from Austria. They’re all cds I’ve been looking for years and the whole package with postage and all cost me around 35€.

I support the artists I love by buing their vinyl and merch. (Bandcamp is great too, especially now with the bandcamp-fridays.) And I get the rest of the music I want to listen second hand. I still get a lot of free download promos from the time I was a rock journalist/dj, but if I like an album I get as a promo I usually buy it on vinyl. Just yesterday I bought the latest Phoebe Bridgers album even though I’ve listened to it for months already. For me it’s the album of the year this far and I really want to support her for doing such great music.


I hate the modern way of everything going rental. I quit Adobe a moment after they started the monthly policy and I’ve been a happy user of Affinity Photo/Designer/Publisher ever since. Pay once, own the software.

People make fun of me when I buy dvds and blurays of my favourite movies from the fleamarkets for a couple of euros but I’ll be the last one laughing. At the same time as people pay ten euros every month for HBO, I paid two euros once and now I have the complete The Wire dvd box for as long as I want to have it etc.

On top of all that. I don’t have kids and my salary is very small so I’ll be a very poor pensioner in 30 years. But I have my record collection which is worth at estimate at least 50K. Good luck selling your 30 years of having Spotify or a lifetime of watching youtube.


Good point ! I do the same, no spotishit or YT. Just buy vinyls, use bandcamp and itunes…
And guys… about YT ads, seriously, use a good browser + adblock and its the end of the story.


Yeah its funny, I’m well aware of sounding like a luddite at times, when I actually consider myself a technology fan, I do like the internet (possibly too much?) and the convenience it offers for most aspects of life, including music.

But - I do think that we rely on it too much, for everything really.