Whats going on with Youtube?

I don’t get that YouTuber get money for review bashing… print Magazins do that since the day the start so sell adds it it, now individual persons do it, mark it as advertising more or less frequent but get hate got it?

TBH i’m too old to understand why everyone loves streaming services.
well, i actually understand that it’s for convenience of listening music from poor-sounding generic portable devices — but why listen it this way is what i actually can’t understand.

long live vinyls, CDs, lossless digital formats, dedicated hardware players and decent sounding systems!


Most people are quite happy with 320kbps MP3. To be fair, most people seem to listen to music through air pods, so audio compression isn’t their biggest quality issue.
I tend to have my favourite 100 albums or so on my phone in .wav or .flac format. The sound quality is more than good enough for me.
I’m ok with trading a little bit of sound quality for the portability of being able to listen to pretty much whatever I want. But yeah, there is nothing better than getting home and putting a record on my nice home stereo system.


TBH (again), i can’t be unhappy with mp3 320k too, if it’s prepared well (e.g. using –insane preset in LAME) and played on a proper device.

but streaming platforms compress with more speed-optimized parameters for the reasons you listed in your post — average (at best) codecs and sound-unfriendly earphones that the vast majority uses.

Just FYI Tidal Hifi streams FLAC and their Masters sound gorgeous.

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glad to know this. but this service is certainly on not so well known side.

True. Just mentioning it for people (ya’ll) who care about sound quality.

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I hate those midi pack ads. Not enough to pay £16 a month to get rid of them though.

On chrome (laptop) if you have the moest extreme privacy measures. Like delete cookies every months, etc the algorithms will be lost.

I basically have no ads , they don’t know my age, gender, language and interests.

Mobile app and mobile browser is still terrible though!

well that’s strangely relatable :laughing:

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If we go back far enough, we’ve got to put the ‘blame’ for a lot of this move to streaming on Apple. I remember what a revelation the iPod was at the time and I still have a Classic that lives on. But when I look around my apartment, I have an MacBook Air and an iMac, neither of which have a CD drive, so I would need to buy a CD player, and getting CDs onto iTunes would be a massive pain in the ass now and I’m not going to buy another laptop to achieve this. My iPhone SE that I recently bought doesn’t have a regular headphone jack so I’m forced to use the shitty buds that came with it (I refuse to get Bluetooth headphones when I have a perfectly fine pair of wired DT770s at home for proper listening). The Cupertino massive have ruined a lot of things in music when I look back to my youth of listening to tapes and CDs (hunting for and getting a new album was an event and I damn sure got my money’s worth from them), I recorded music to MiniDiscs and loved them for not skipping like when carrying a portable CD player, but now I dip into Spotify every now and then but there’s almost too much choice and the algorithms for showing me new music absolutely suck. Anyway, back to my point. Apple changed the industry in a massive way and I’m not too sure it was for the best looking back.


…wait a second…we can discuss vinyl…and streaming codecs…

but hell no, we can’t discuss cd’s…they’re like plastic bags…even if u use them for a decade before they become finally useless, they become hazardous plastic trash sooner or later for sure…
plastic is soooo last century…u know…

a vinyl might start to crackle…but even in centuries from now they still contain the music…
the only plastic that will survive for a good reason…

and no worries…the days, where comercial adds of any kind finally face their death in total overdiversity to eternity are not that far away…

and facebook…well…once the global stockmarkets will crash again, that’ll be just another yesterdays party, mr. suckerbug was not invited to…

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I had no idea. Thanks for opening my mind and making me reconsider. Not that I have any CDs anymore. I gave away my whole collection to friends and charity shops straight after uni :blush:

I"m curious how you think they should fund Youtube without advertising of some variety or direct charge for their services?

Curious how someone could not be the consumer OR the product and still have the service operational.

I had a few shower thoughts about starting a streaming business and to be honest I can’t see it playing out any different. Free to build a user base. Ads to monetize. Premium to stop ads. All other paths smell like failure. Wish it were more like 8 than 12 but the progression is reasonable.

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The main thing I miss about the old days of YouTube was using it to discover new music. Remember when every video you watched had a different set of related/recommended videos to watch and you could go down a genre rabbit hole for hours? Now it’s the same 15 videos recommended no matter what you click on, maybe 1 or 2 that differ.


You can just buy a cheap external drive like I did if you really need it, no CD player or extra laptop needed. I paid 20€ for it and just imported a few CD‘s into iTunes the other day. Watching movies also works like with an internal drive.


Who do you think owns Youtube? Its Google of course. The company that is being sued by governments for extortion. Glad to hear your sticking up for the right guys.

Yea we do that and also backup the backups with the external DVD writer. Cloud services and HDs are also not 100% data loss proof.

Had my first series of ads during Sonic State review of Pulsar-23.
Uninstalled YT app right after the second one.
If I can’t find a solution that works on iOS, YT is over for me.