Whats going on with Youtube?

The research they did suggested that people who used dislikes for skipping crappy content were a tiny minority. Unlucky for you you’re one of that minority.

Because the content creator gets the feedback ?

I agree it’s inappropriate. Say I’m a person who doesn’t like classical music (as a for instance). I come across a video that turns out to be mostly classical music so I ‘dislike’ it. Does that honestly contribute anything ? My opinion does not help people who like classical music make a judgement about that video, it’s totally irrelevant.

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Is that from ‘1984’?
Has anyone made a track with this yet?

edit: got it: The Outer Limits (1963 TV series) - Wikipedia

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Did what? Sorry, I don’t quite understand what you mean.

Yeah outer limits, probably been sampled before but not too sure.

Even Hawkwind sampled it back in 1982…

Very useful for data collection and advertising revenue.

What happens when you disagree with most people though? Maybe time to see a shrink :slight_smile:

Fairly agree, I often wonder why to put a negative “vote” on a creation,
I do not go into a gallery to tell the creator that it is bad when what I see from the outside does not please me, I continue on my way …
Now I admit doing it on certain musical titles that the media try to drive into people’s heads with major advertising campaigns and that I find on the front page of YT despite their science of recommendation.
I don’t care about the release of the last Stromae or Angele. :nauseated_face:
Now on DIY content, political analysis, advice and more, downvotes can be lifesaving.
I’m sure red or blue thumbs feed your recommendation profile, I regularly have videos of guys doing mini cooking :upside_down_face:.


What I meant to say was: The research they did suggested that people who used dislikes for skipping crappy content were a tiny minority.

I will edit the previous post.

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We’ll burn down paradise just to post more adds.

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Regarding dislikes and trolling. Whats worse a random troll or a global manipulator using Youtube to spout their thoughts attracting the attention of a huge audience. Dangerous stuff. I think Google need to have a rethink on this.

Wholeheartedly agree that the judgement, if objective (deeply harmful to humanity) is a reasonable case for ‘disliking’ such content, art or otherwise.

Aye. Youtube/Google havent all of a sudden grown a heart.

I cant see a future for youtube. Its like a balloon thats going to pop.

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I disagree. It’s got almost a monopoly on medium-to-long form video content outside of the main broadcast channels. What’s more it’s got the backing of significant corporate power. While the big broadcasters are looking to Netflix, or to create their own subscription channels, everyone else is using YouTube. While high profile sports can make deals with the big channels and streaming services, lots of sports (climbing, a lot of motorsports) are reliant on YouTube for their broadcasts. This is true of a lot of other sectors (how many record labels put their videos on YT?) - if you have any kind of business need to put video out that others will see, and you don’t want the faff/have resource to host your own, YT is still the go to.

And this kind of infrastructural embeddedness is slow to change. Someone could come along and offer a better service, but you tell any of those hundreds of thousands of broadcasters and businesses ‘shift to MeTube!’ and they’re hearing ‘lose 75% of your current followers/subs, re-upload all your current library (‘but that’s thousands of hours of video’ ‘what do you mean the intern didn’t archive the original video materials?!’, etc), update the links and videos on all your webpages’ and they’ll ask ‘why?’

It may be the case that small content producers find an alternative and start to move elsewhere, but the whole thing’s a juggernaut and there’s no real competition at the moment. For the mid level and high level users, there’s little compelling reason to move, and a lot of reason not to move.

imo this is why YT has got godawful as a user recently. Much like FB, they know they have a massive captive audience, so they can afford to make experiments, water down the content with endless ads etc. And, unlike FB, they’re not haemorrhaging users.

I don’t like it one bit, but it’s here to stay, and any eventual end to YT will be a slow steady death (or, likely, no death, but a slight decline into a oligopoly like we’re seeing in the paid streaming world with the competition to Netflix) rather than a balloon popping.

I rarely give any content thumbs down but have very often made decisions whether or not to watch videos based on the like/dislike ratio. I think that with content that is political it is useful in many ways for the audience, and in many cases for the content creator as well.


Or…YT without YT will be great again. Fuck. Censorship.

There are cases where the “creation” is horrible, and I’m not talking about aesthetics here. Some “artists” are engaged in really evil things: gangsterism, murders, some bands use their “music” as tool for extemist political propaganda (neo nazi metal bands aren’t just a cliché, there’s a real scene). “Hell is round the corner”…


Yes we are obviously of agreement, but this kind of waste is found in the political box more than artistic under these conditions.

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