Whats going on with Youtube?

I guess my strong wish to not sponsor this company is stronger than any hassle :wink:
I don’t need to be able to watch YT videos on many devices, one is enough for me.

Yea totally, also with kids wanting to watch on the big screen,… the hassle gets exponential.

Time for a new vid startup to take over and … become the next evil corporate in 3-5 years?


Cant we just start all over again. Its a fuckfest. Admit defeat learn lessons and rebuild youtube the way its supposed to be(ie not a business).

As long people will have to deal with kids wanting to watch on a big screen as a main priority, i guess everything will always turns the same way, designed to consume.

Like some kind of UNtube? Funded by member countries for the good of all, a video sharing library equivalent to a national broadcaster?

I absolutely hate this, I still mourn for the days of the genuine recommended/related suggestions. And the worst part is when you search you just have that sense that there is so much good stuff there relevant to what you’re looking for, but it’s just being hidden from you.

Someone probably knows more about this than me, but the cost of providing YouTube is obviously astronomical - but surely having everyone watching the same thing reduces the cost as well as pumping up the ad revenue (this comment probably should live in the ‘things everyone already knows about’ thread).

Oh well, there’s still more interesting well made stuff about highly specific things I like than I can ever hope to keep up with and I can access it whenever I want. I can seamlessly stop watching something on my phone and continue it later on a tablet or tv. 15-30 second ads here and there while annoying seem a small price to pay.

What it is now is different to what it used to be, and I miss the old days. But now for me it’s just basically free to air tv that I switch on to veg out, but instead of there being 10 or so channels that if I’m lucky will have something I’m interested in on, there’s dozens that I’m most definitely interested in and usually I can grab some veg out material dang quick.

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Yeah, just thinking about how interesting YouTube was a decade ago, and the internet in general two decades ago, just imagine how bad they’re gonna be a decade on from now (assuming we all still have enough water to live, etc…)
Given that, I’m trying to be grateful for what we have :upside_down_face:

I don’t use the YouTube app anymore, I’ve got a couple of programs by media human that I use to scrape the content I want to watch/use from their servers, no ads full quality and most definitely no nags to buy the premium service every time I open it…

I don’t think it’s been mentioned (had a quick search) but YouTube Vanced works well on Android to deliver YouTube without the ads. It also gives the premium features like YT Music and stuff continues to play with screen off etc. You have to download an installer but it’s easy enough. https://vancedapp.com/

I enjoy most of my news and views on www.rumble.com

Most of the content creators (I watch) on there also seem to upload to www.odysee.com too.

I still use Youtube for music / philosophy / reflections on lifetheuniverseandeverything… with an ad-blocker :slight_smile:

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Something I’ve been thinking about for a while now and remember being discussed in this very thread to some degree earlier. So can someone offer an educated guess on how much a Youtuber with, let’s say, 100k followers would charge for a product presentation on their channel?

Would happily also read good articles on the influencer mechanism in general, as it might offer insight into the synth niche as well.

Just curious in the wake of some of the discussion around Syntakt. Had probably been a good month or two since I’d watched any synthfluencer videos before Syntakt came along and I soon realized why I truly hadn’t missed any of it.


Not sure about how much they get but ive noticed something creeping in the last year or so. They’ve started tag teaming each other. So they will drop names of other influencers to head over to. Theres a clique of about 8 or so. And they tag each other.


Oh they’re absolutely doing that. Trying to make each other’s followers their own. Which is natural, I guess, when your goal is to grow the channel and bring more revenue. It’s their job, I get that (kind of). But just another development that makes watching their content even more irksome to me.


I find it all cringeworthy. Cant watch them anymore.

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Alex Ball, Sonicstate and Loopop are the only synth channels I’m watching these days.
I think Alex’s musicality and humour are very entertaining as are Nicks ramblings and it’s difficult to imagine a more informative and straight to the point review style than that of Loopops.

I can understand why some synth youtubers are trying to make some kind of characters out of themselves but I cannot stand it anymore. It seems so forced it’s silly.


I don’t watch the ones that annoy me, but it does annoy me that YouTube sees fit to collude with them all to constantly bombard my recommendations with their thumbnail wankery, regardless of how many times I seem to tell YouTube to stop showing them to me.

Buggers are multiplying as well.


I’ve wanted to do a tutorial or two on a couple neat tricks i’ve figured out, but i don’t like looking at the camera or people looking at me. I think some people like it? Ego? Voyeurism? LoL

“with that being said…”

“let’s get into it…”

“i appreciate you…”

have become vacuous meaningless statements that people copy becoming a weird youtube vernacular.

and my personal favourite to hate “let’s goooo…”

digital life is odd. or i’m too old.

just seen Grimes talk about homotechno, guess i just haven’t evolved that far yet!

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Love Alex Ball. Truly educational.
Same goes for mylarmelodies.

There’s a fair bit of excellent content on YouTube. You just have to take control of the algorithm, because if you don’t tell if the things you don’t ever want it to recommend, it will definitely annoy you.


Yeah exactly.

Too many guys now trying to copy Tinez with the same camera and lens and speaking all soft into the camera. Its really lame and doesn’t really bring anything new into the equation.

Mylarmelodies is real legit. Makes solid music and I love how he showcases gear.

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