Whats going on with Youtube?

I have been using DuckDuckGo for awhile now and I find it to be a subpar search experience. Sometimes super easy searches are wildly off.

So yeah 5,000 to 10,000 dollars per video.

I don’t know what that figure should be for someone of his level of production value, musical talent and viewership… but to me the interesting thing is that the more promotional “reviews” and clickbait-y content he makes (“Top 5 Sound Design Secrets!”) the more his all-white studio gets decked out with more gear, which makes one resent him more knowing how he affords all of it.


It just makes him a marketing guy.
That’s what he does, advertises stuff, whether that be other people’s stuff or his own, he’s a marketing guy.


There is also Brave Browser which works great. A lot of Safari Plugins on iOS and MacOS have problems due to OS / Safari limitations.

I used to have Cercube for iOS which is a modified youtube App (with added features). Sadly it‘s getting almost impossible to get a hold of the app (I suppose Google saw his shiny website and that he earns money with it - he has a one time payment of a few bucks - and started acting against it). But well sideloading also is annoying on iOS.

Without those apps I would have stopped youtube months ago.

I would totally get youtube premium. But they are insane on their pricing. Like Amazon they sell you other sh*t you don‘t want/need. 5€/month and I‘m in.

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Hahaha. I though the Midi pack was just directed at me as Im crap and always pick the same chords :rofl: I was starting to get a complex.

I’m like “Fuck U, I’ll pick 3 NEW chords on my own thank you very much” and then I’m going to go “daaaaammmnnnnn” and click my finger in the air…


Huh? Higher quality as in more effort put into them.

Why is that a problem that he makes money out of this? Should the company spend that money on a facebook campaign? At least he is a decent musician.


I don’t have any problem with the €5000-10000 or whatever Andrew Huang wants to charge (though it is surprisingly high), if companies are willing to pay that. What bothers me is the big blurry space between honest reviews and paid infomercials.


subjective :smile:

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See my later post :slight_smile:

I don’t think it’s a problem as long as you see his channel for what it is, which is paid for advertising. I’m not sure it’s always made clear that that’s what it is though.


Totally! But I would need some internet to download tutorials once a week! If you find a place, message me!

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He is a bit of an anomaly though, he has serious number of subscribers on his channel. I was shocked when I saw that the other day.

People like Loopop, Sonic state have in the 100K-150K subscribers, he has over 2 million. I guess where the others cater for a more hardcore demographic of synth enthusiasts, he covers a wider audience of people interested in becoming ‘pop music producers/singers/musicians’. Or something like that.

no its not… I didn’t say he is great… He plays a bunch of instruments and his voice is alright. The stuff he puts out sounds good. I’m not a fan (not even watching unless he pops up on the recomended section w. something I might have interest in) but he is definitely above average, hence decent.

Yeah I clicked on his Subharmonicon review to see if there was any indication it was paid for but nothing. That is oblique stuff.

Is that how for example Sound on Sound does it? I just assumed their revenue came from ads and they reviewed whatever they pleased.

It’s a weird hustle and I won’t take any part in it but you have to admire the hustle.

Totally agree.
I don’t have a problem with Huang (though that style of self-prmoting ad-guy Shtick isn’t my cup of tea), was just using him as an extreme example of how much money you can make on YouTube.

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I watched a lot of his videos and he very often says upfront if he got the gear for free. And of course that this won’t stop him from criticizing it!!

He’s not getting it for free though, he’s getting paid thousands for it, which a lot of people in the Industry could do with being more transparent about.


Yeah not much difference for me. This is as good as advertising can get for the companies sending him gear. Or do you still buy a mixing&recording magazine to look at ads?

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I think maybe free gear is fine but being paid to ensure it’s reviewed is something else entirely and should be mentioned.