Whats going on with Youtube?

If SOS review those products because they were paid to do it, I would want to know that too.

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Do his videos have the “includes paid promotion” box?
Because that box is like the ultimate bullshit warning.

is this mandatory in USA? In germany it is and you will be fined. Of course this led to the point that all big youtubers always have it being displayed so you can‘t tell the difference.

Interesting point, I see it on a few videos made here in the UK, but not sure I remember seeing it on US made content.

I didn’t see one on his Subhar review and I just checked the PM SV-1 and nothing there either.

Although of course they might not have paid him and he instead did it because they’re hot new items.

@PekeDorty I don’t know the nuances of US marketing law but considering the culture itself…I highly doubt it.

Transparency has always been an issue in the review world, hasn’t it? Full disclosure of review conditions is rare. Does anyone know what the likes of (apparent good guys) Sonic State and Loopop get in return for reviews?

Just checked YT terms, it’s opt-in for paid promotion notification for viewers, suggesting that it’s not law in the US.
It definitely is in the UK though.


100% agree, and not only that better for the artist too as most of the money will actually go to them.


Loopop doesn’t appear to charge (at least according to Elta) and neither, apparently, does Look Mum No Computer (who doesn’t really do much reviewing anyway).
Don’t know about sonic state but seeing as they’re UK based, they would have to display a paid promotion icon on their videos if they were charging. I think.


Grammarly ads :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:

Anytime a huge corporation buys something it’s only a matter of time until it becomes a superficial cash cow. :cow2:

Luckily I’ve never been a big Youtuber. I prefer to read things because I can take it at my own speed and go back over things easier.

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you have to be more specific in your searches, thats for sure.

Sonic State make a distinction between reviews and product presentations. I’ve always assumed the latter were paid for and the former not… But just an assumption.

Bring back geocities, web rings, physical media and zines I say :laughing:

Underground scenes, BBSs, tapes, demos and whatnot were exciting because of the mystique, now everything is about big bucks and corporate fucks :laughing:

I kind of feel sorry for youngsters today.


I ran a wildcat BBS when I was a kid because we didn’t have internet in the small midwestern US town I grew up in. Just call up your friends BBS on the modem and play some games or post messages on their board :joy:


That’s certainly the impression I get.
Nick was saying in this week’s MFB review that he got the unit off his mate, so I’m pretty sure not all the reviews are paid for.


Or they just buy it up before it gets too big and becomes a competitor and silently kill it off. Common practice for any big player in any industry and leads to monopolies that couldn’t care less about good service.

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I wish I could have being part of that!

But later there was FXP-Scene and Sitescene which also was fun - interwoven with the demoscene. Aww now I am nostalgic. Pretty boring and regulated internet but still dangerous today (for the kids trying to download Minecraft and getting a crypto trojan)

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No way back :100:

e: crap, wrong thread

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