Whats going on with Youtube?

It is funny. The Andrew Huang phenomena has all the gear, plays multiple instruments, has a voice, has a bachelor in fine arts: music something. He doesnt have any pressure from shitty jobs to pay bills with. Yet his music is mediocre at best. His production-mixing skills are actually pretty poor.


I’m willing to bet he’s never done any work in the field, probably started producing content in school and never had a reason to get a “real” job in music when he makes more from youtube than most people in any job in the music field. He does what he’s comfortable doing, and it seems to be enough for his audience. I’m also willing to bet most of his audience aren’t musicians, just people who like his personality and all the crazy gadget-y devices the market is full of nowadays.


Yeah I really don’t understand all the animosity. He’s chosen to play a game and has played it successfully. Simple. If you don’t like the game he’s playing don’t join. It’s that age old adage: Don’t hate the player; hate the game.


:raised_hand: also has Premium

Since I pay a small monthly fee of $3 for a larger gdrive, a few months ago Google offered me a free extended trial (3 months) of YT Premium.
I had wanted to try it for a while but not for the lack of ads, rather for the ability to hear the audio while the app is minimized.
Yea, it’s just a line of code, but when you use a service constantly the cost/benefit analysis was still something I wanted to explore.

Turns out I find that feature totally worth it. I don’t even listen to much music on YouTube, mostly just PBS science videos (anyone here watch Space Time it Eons?). Now I can listen to them in my car without the screen on.

But yea, the lack of ads is a huge benefit. We have YouTube on our TV via firestick and it is refreshing to not sit through any ads. Makes the whole experience more enjoyable.

I know if feels like we’re being taxed to death with all the various subscriptions, and now “cord cutting” has little cost benefit once you add equivalent services together. But you have to ask yourself if you spend a lot of time on a service for free, will spending a little bit each month make that time much more enjoyable? Will it save you time you don’t have to sit through commercials or lose focus trying to ignore them with another task? If so, it’s easy to find value in it.
My wife was binging cooking competition shows hard on Hulu, and the extra $5/mo there to turn off ads was worth it after one evening of viewing.

So yea, ads are annoying but they make the giant corporations exist. Giant corporations = bad, but we like their core services enough to be annoyed by the ads, so here we are.
The ads are required, from a financial perspective, and annoying. But paying to turn them off is a feature, IMO.
This was the promise with satellite radio: all radio, no ads, pay a monthly fee. Way better than FM radio hollering at you, with huge broadcast compression, after every song.


I pay for Premium. When I think about all that I get from Youtube - instant access to so much - I don’t mind spending a monthly amount to make it ad-free. Plus I like the download feature with Premium - and I get background play, which is great when I listen to music/talking in the background from a video.

But one thing that bothers me is how little probably funnels down to the content creators. I’m assuming YT is like Spotify, et al, where the content creators get peanuts.


The ones at the top are now a clique group. Have you noticed how they keep mentioning each other lately. Go over to Reds site. Click on Andrews site. etc etc.


People just love to hate. If he inspired even a single kid or a non-musician to get a synth and start making music, his job is done. He’s not on youtube to show off his skills, he’s there to entertain and educate. If you think of him as an entry level teacher of synthesis and production, he’s doing a pretty good job with his videos. You can certainly learn the basics of both synthesis and recording & mixing with a DAW from his videos.


Nothing wrong with a scene; shouting out others in support…

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But they wont be shouting anyone but whose not in the group. Its soooo Pyramid

It worked for me. I just gave up on the ads. I pay for premium and it’s pretty good value. Google Play Music (now fully YouTube Music) has an insane amount of selection. YouTube’s original content has thus far been bland but honestly, not having ads on everything is worth it. I also enjoy being able to download content to my phone to listen to in my car as well as the ability to have the screen off during playback. It’s pricier than I’d like but I setup a Family thing and my partner gets to use it as well.

I do not agree at all with what they are doing but I do feel like it’s decent value for money. I just got sick of all the ads.

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As for on topic, I have a cracked YouTube app on mobile and use adblocking on the computer. No more ads!

Warp, Death Row, 4AD, CBGB, Bolsheviks…the list is endless.

We were the cool kids in town as far as we were concerned. A good group of friends to grow up with for sure :slight_smile:

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The problem here is that eventually all music will be shit and made without any effort. The only thing that I’m left with after seeing a Huang video is GAS. There are so many actual good teachers on Youtube with excellent content, but because they dont have shiny videos, they are not popular. Huang videos are great if you’re a ten year old

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Rick Beato on Youtube Ads popping up all the time on his channel. Interesting listen.

This is the best/funniest thing I’ve read on this forum.


10 year old or just want to be entertained. Those people are as good a demography as any.

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Its like a line from a Woody Allen film :smiley:


I chuckle (uncontrollably) a little every time I see it again.

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Now this starts to sound like you lived the holy life of the „Stranger Things“-Kids - lucky you! Makes me jealous!