What's next for Elektron?

Some overbridge type hardware device with multiplayer capability. I imagine it would be incredibly hard to get it to work efficiently but being able to jam with other people around the world on an Elektron would be killeršŸ˜€ or
models: multiplayer

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Video synthesisaktone

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Synth with sample player
With. Random sequencer play



I hope Elektron would surprise the Analog Rytm users someday with interesting new machines for the BT, LT, MT, HT, CH, OH, CY and CB engines. These deserve a bit more speciality on the percussion synth creation to stand out from everything else out there.


Being analog, the rytm doesnā€™t have ā€œenginesā€ so much as circuits, right? Isnt that why you can layer samples on top of the synth tracks?


Indeed I ment circuitā€™s instead of the (sample)engineā€™s.

Well, that would require an entirely new device. You canā€™t flash analog chips with firmwareā€¦

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The Analog Rytm use FPGAā€™s this means Elektron can create different ways to control the integrated circuit like a modular synth.


Hmm, I wasnā€™t aware that the RYTM used FPGAā€™s. That doesnā€™t seem right, but what do I know?

Iā€™d like to see confirmation of this too. Surely you could mod the hell out of such a setup if you knew what you were doing if that was the case. Interesting :thinking:

FPGA isnā€™t analog so I guess Analog Rytm shouldnā€™t use those?

Here more detail how Elektron implemented FPGA: A4 teardown (and infrared pics)

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Okay, so itā€™s just controlling the analog circuits? I guess that itā€™s ā€okā€ then to still call the synth analog :slight_smile:

I guess I got confused by the fact that some recent digital synths use FPGAā€™s for sound generation as well.

Dude, yes! This exactly


Digitakts mighty big brother.
A sampler. Not just a drum sampler, but a real boy!
-Some Polyphony
-A bit of time stretchin and pitch shifting
-Audio track or two
-4 inputs
-2 filters
-No song mode.


I bet it could be a Model:Samples compagnion.
A Digididdly!
Itā€™s like a Tamagochi. If you love it, it loves you too.
Spread the love!


The best thing about this is you could sequence mix levels creating a cadaver Equis patch like make noise RxMx does

MIDI FX (Pedal) in the Heat format.

That we donā€™t have something like the octatrack in mixer form is a black eye to all the synth industry, shame on themā€¦ :grimacing: