What's next for Elektron?

any chance of having an octatrack sitting in the production pipeline compatible with the new analogfour mk2 and analogrytm mk2 design?

They do this, I swear I sell all the elektron gear I own and never ever buy anything from them againā€¦Wait, this is almost already happeningā€¦


I donā€™t think it would make sense. They released an MK2 with updated components not that long ago. I think itā€™s the last octatrack.

My guess is that the next octatrack-like will be a digitakt mk2 with a fader, slices, and overbridge

well, just my opinion, I didnā€™t understand their update to octatrack mk2 and releasing it together with the new hardware design of the analogfour and analogrytmā€¦
I would have expected the ā€˜newā€™ octatrack mkii inside the new casing in the first placeā€¦

The mkii updates as with the silver boxes has been mostly related to parts. They have been using the same components across machines, starting in 2010 with the OT. Stuff eventually runs out

Took 7 years for the OT update


1.5 years for the analog heatā€¦

As they have pretty much confirmed through the board and instagram, that was due to parts. So bad on them for continuing to use parts that dwindled in supply. But my reasoning still stands, as the mkii upgrades has been part related I do not think an OT mkiii is on the horizon.

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A single box that combines both the machinedrum and Monomachine(maybe sidstation?) and is able to load Sysex files from these machines.

My 8 year old Monomachine that Iā€™ve played 100s of hours is getting tired and worn out( feels physically outdated compared to the Digitakt right next to it).

Given that both these machines are digital it seems possible in many ways, and would love the overbridge treatment for my old patterns!

The whole idea of difference machines in one box like Mono and md could be expanded as well to include new machines and maybe 3rd party(eventide reverb in an Elektron sequencer?)

One can dream.


Cracks me up when people threaten to sell gear to make a point.
Elektron already got your money, youā€™re not taking it back :joy:

I still stand by my original hunch.
I think Elektron has a third box in the works to create a new trinity, but itā€™s not an OT


upon seeing a few users combine their elektron boxes with the Xone DB4 Mixer, I would like see Elektronā€™s take at something with some of itā€™s features - mod matrix+looping features (+MIDI), high quality FXā€¦

Iā€™m currently experimenting with a DT+OT setup where the latter would be playing that role (input FX, sampler for transitions, transition loop FX, long audio track player) but the FX are not very good (compared to what Iā€™ve heard from some DB4 videos).

DB4 is out of my budget, plus I donā€™t like the lack of MIDI IN, and itā€™s gigantic sizeā€¦ then again, the Digitakt format might be too small for such a device - but I would love it if they figure it out.

here is what i want.
a digitak Pro (call it what you will)
(in a black case, f this grey stuff)
based on the Rytm interface.
16 pads. 16 channel. 32 voice stereo sampler based on the digitak sample engine.
and 16 tracks of midi. (on top of the 16 internal tracks)
with the Rytms Scene and performance controls. (obv you could also use the 16 pads as a visual sequencer)
then analog distortion and compression on the outputs. (the master, not per track)
2 or 4 inputs. with 1 set of stereo inserts for sampling and thru, and the 3/4 for thru that are inserted before the distortion / compressor.
8 audio outputs. (as in 8 mono or 4 stereo ala old samplers like an emu emax).
then at this point it might as well have some time stretching, and a color OLED.
at or under 2400$ (USD)
and of coarse the elektron sequencer on each track. (like the tone or tak)
this would compete with the high end MPCs.
and in the long run semi replace the octatrack

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I like that idea, well thought out too.
Throw in a joystick for scenes and it sounds about perfect

i have not problem with a joystick. except for, i dont know where it would fit on a front panel. ?
well interesting, im not sure its worth the space it would take.
Im open to an IDEA of an expander module, that would add faders, solo, mute, andā€¦ ??

Itā€™s new territory for them producing a follow up post Digi boxes and now all the mkiiā€™s out of the way. I still wonder if there will be a new effect processor or pedal from them next - I wonder how the Analog Drive sales went? Enough to keep heading down that path? And yeah a mothership hybrid Takt/tone combo box could be killer. Overbridge is obviously the focus and will be the key push into the new year. And it gets me thinking. Overbridge is potentially not a throwaway idea, but part of a larger future plan and road map. If it were theyā€™d backed down on that idea and would simply just go back to making machines, Iā€™d doubt the implementation would be as polished or as well followed through as it currently stands in the Beta, the digital / analog hybrid is very much a part of Elektrons future DNA. The Digitone is perhaps the first proper new instrument they did in a while that was ā€˜newā€™. Iā€™m pretty excited to see what kind of flagship product they work on next :slight_smile:


I canā€™t help but wonder if they will pursue any new hardware until the OB thing is sorted, since itā€™s kind of the elephant in the room for so many folks. Iā€™m personally not stressed about it, but think it could be really cool if/when it happens

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Oh Iā€™m sure theyā€™ll theyā€™re still planning new hardware to come out regardless of the OB status. I feel like the majority of their product users are OTB or mostly OTB, so theyā€™ll cater more to that market than the ones who ā€œneedā€ OB. I mean hell,I got rid of my DT for the whole OB blunder back in March and Iā€™ve got a new one headed to me tomorrow. I quickly realized that having a DT with no OB was much better than no DT at all.


An Elektron sampler with a kind of Arc control elements from Monome combined with the scenes concept.
See this video and imagine bouncing LFO with scenes and so on and check whats going on from 04:20

well i donā€™t use OB. i donā€™t buy hardware, just to have it be a slave to software.
obv lots of people do though. thats fine.
i just posted what i wished elektron would make. i didnā€™t mention OB for a reason.

having been testing the beta I have to say that a DT + DAW is an incredibly powerful combo. You can get eqā€™s on all your tracks or master and limit to taste, or add more esoteric effects as needed. The difference between running the DT on its own as opposed to processed through a chain of tools and effects is like night and day - the sound can really be opened up and without the routing Iā€™ve been doing the DT actually sounds pretty flat and boring otherwise. But I get people arenā€™t interested in using DAWā€™s, but the flexibility and value add really is phenomenal, along with all the sequencer and tactility of the box itself, throw in a portable midi controller and any additional stereo samples you might need and it turns into a highly flexible portable setup that really gives you the best of both worlds. It does make you wonder if Elektron will ever pursue any other software projects outside of Overbridge/Transfer. Iā€™d imagine theyā€™ve certainly learned a lot along the way. I always did like the idea people have suggested in the past of buying a kindā€™ve ā€˜blankā€™ Elektron box, but buying and loading different software ā€˜machinesā€™ to the unit as desired.


Pretty much the reason why I sold my OT and got a DN/DT. The OT was ok in a hybrid setup but im waiting for the moment OB hits and ill be able to track everything saving a few inputs in my mixer too. I might even look into the AH once I try OB.

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