What's next for Elektron?

Don’t mind me, just leaving a useful link for 'nauts in this thread. https://www.wikihow.com/Deal-With-Disappointment


I can’t speak for everyone but certainly nothing Elektron or any other synthesizer company does or doesn’t do will disappoint me…


DigiTher - A p-lockable theremin/sequencer.

Source: My dad works at Elektron


Model:Drums - same form factor as the Model:Samples, but strictly drum synthesis without sample playback.

I was going to say Digitakt system update adding drum synthesis :slight_smile:


Or (again with this one) Digimix® :smiley:, a mixer with USB host and Overbridge capabilities


Next update on Digitakt should be MS differences IMO:

  • band pass filter
  • different track multipliers

No new machine please, I try to recover from my last serious GAS attacks!


Oh I was thinking about this the other day … here’s a product idea :

A digitakt/digitone expander (someone with some Photoshop skills please chime in)
It would be half the width of a digi box have the same screen, 4 of the small buttons (maybe 2 rows if there’s space) and 4 rows of 4 knobs, same metalic case and color.

it would have a battery pack inside that can power one or two digiboxes
so from the back a power in pin and a power out
maybe usb (or computer operations)
an on/off switch … and the rest or the space is just midi dins

so why would you need/want one ?
it’s battery pack
it’s a midi splitter/merger
it can act as a midi mixer
it can save/recall your midi config per pattern/project
it does some midi transformation etc.
all knobs would be fully assignable with some default configs (like the mixer)

what do you think? would you get one ?

Edit : this may be the solution for song mode too


Yes if it had a joystick or xy pad. Or sliders. Something in addition to the knobs.
Also, built in speaker?

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Just joking :sweat_smile: @avantronica post made me remember NAMM new machine thread (M:S) with all those speculations, conspiracies, hopes, smiles, tears… haha but in the end I’m with you.


Haha… Right on… :smile:
I’m cool as long as we don’t get Model:PlayButton… :joy:

I remember Elektron was registering the name DigiStrike


Digistrike: three wrong notes and you are out :slight_smile:


I want a DigiDNA…

I have this euro module by Pittsburgh modular.
Its digital but never stays in tune…but it is wickid when its working.

It has 2 oscillators, each with many interesting waveforms and each with variable pitch… they modulate each other using a selected mathmatical program function…its nasty.

With elektron sequencing and plocking this concept would be awesome as a Digi box…or at least as a machine…

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An Analog 4 could sequence this using CV too.


I have a feeling that the next big thing from Elektron is going to be a performance mixer of some sort. My theory is that it will have some features from Analog Heat, Octatrack, some FX busses, and control-all (maybe). Thinking about how full-featured the elektron lineup is with sound sources, it makes sense to me that the next big thing is a mixer to bring all those boxes together. There’s also the recent video from TSR19 where Bobeats is jamming and chatting with Cenk. As usual, Cenk professes his love for the Octatrack, but says several times “I rrrreallly need a performance mixer.”

I guess we won’t have to wait that long to find out…

[edited for clarity after being moved to this thread – thanks!]


Man I sooooo hope you 're right…

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Stalling on the Digitone OB2 software makes me suspect Superbooth will bring us something new in that corner, prob Digikeys, and all the software that comes with it. Formfactor is hopefully smaller than the Analog keys, would love a more DX100 style approach.

Superbooth, Digikeys, OB2 full suite.


I think i’ve read about possible upcoming perfomance mixer elektron since the release of the analogs. Well maybe this time :slight_smile:

There is already an Elektron performance mixer (released some “days” ago).

For no obvious reason they named it Dynamic Performance Sampler.