Whats your favourite Kick drum recipe, synthesised only ;-)

Been having loads of fun with my non UW MD.

My favourite go to kick consists of the FM kick engine with MOD turned all the way off and the pitch bend turned down a bit to give a nice sine wave, I then link that to the IMP machine to dial in the attack. Sounds really clean and rubbery, just the way I like them!

Whats your favourite recipe?


For housier stuff, I like opuswerk’s kick:

TRX-B2, tuned to the 40s. other upper synth page parameters in the low 60s, lower ones to taste but usually in the single digits. HPF the top heavily, and also several points on the bottom depending on where the bassline sits. Linking IMP for a transient works well here too, but try other machines for different flavor.


Two EG’s

Cool I’ll give this a go :slight_smile:

I haven’t managed to get a kick I like out of the TRX B2 yet but this sounds cool!

one low pitched GND Machine with proper ramp/decay settings for the sub and any of the available kicks for the mid frequency. both layered of course.

I’m 2 days in, cans get a decent kick either, but it could be my single 5 inch speaker and a noob at the fornow