What's your funnest piece of gear?

For quick jamming fun: SH-01a or TD-3 clocked by TR-8s trigger outputs.

For song making fun: MC-707 or Digitakt, depends on the mood.

Lately I’m thinking of getting SP-404 MKII to combine with iPad or some mono. Huge sampling time, skipback, resampling workflow and those performance effects seems like a lot of fun. I’m having second thoughts because of all that weird key combos though.

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I’m clearly a 404 homer but keep in mind all the essential functions like sampling and what not are a button press away!


Lately the Aira minis, especially now since I made the sled to hold them, Circuit Rhythm is a firm favourite too, and of course the MC-2oh2, they all work really great together and they are all always nearby for quick jams on sofa.


Ms-20 - I don’t understand that patch panel at all, but I patch shit into other shit and the thing goes bonkers. Fm also doesn’t seem to work how any other fm works (but maybe I don’t understand fm)!

Make Noise shared system - I do understand what I’m patching here and still I always end up in some post science alien warlord. About to swap some of the stuff out for the stereo versions - if you don’t hear from me in a month, flush a patch cable down the toilet, I may be running low.


Definitely the Sp404 MKii, fun immediate and it has skipback recording!

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For whipping up quick jams, playing along with a portamento lead line, and performing silly dj fx, Syntakt by a mile.

Bleeps and bloops: DFAM! (Best with outside modulation sources though.)


Running my Boog into my DT is instant fun. My REV2 into my DN is also a joy. I run the A and B layers independently into the L and R inputs. The external mixers in the Digis are so wonderful…I absolutely love the delay on them (the Boog with the DT’s delay and reverb is very satisfying indeed) and the chorus on the DN is amazing. Add the compressor or master overdrive respectively, and everything just glues together beautifully.


My digitakt is very much fun standalone.

I also like my arturia microfreak and minifreak for their versatility and immediacy.

Bass and guitar for the physical interaction while playing.

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My funnest piece of gear is the torso T1.

I turn it on with little actual intention or expectation and noddle around with any instrument - hardware or software - and often quickly end up with interesting, unexpected and satisfying results.

It’s took me quite a while to get to grips with it properly, but now is central to everything in my setup.

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