What's your funnest piece of gear?

Just curious for discussion sake - you don’t even have to make songs with it.

I really enjoy the TR-8 because it’s so simple to use and everything’s at your finger tips.

I also like my Volca Sample which I rarely ever use but when I do, it’s so much fun.

I also get a kick out of playing with my OT. Again, super simple and hands-on. Especially with the crossfader.

Lately I’ve been jamming on Maschine and midi’ing up the AR and A4. The Maschine is a surprisingly good midi sequencer and plays in time with my Elektron gear.

All super fun!

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After 23 years of using synths, samplers and drum machines, I’ve ended up with 2 Wavedrums and an Udu. It’s definitely the most fun I’ve ever had, and the freedom to just play and not create tracks is a revelation. The best music I ever made was when I owned a Korg Oasys, but nothing beats the enjoyment I get now.

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I have an Audiotronics Classette 152 S-2, which is a cassette player that controls a slide projector. It’s a nice old school “sampler”.

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Rytm, by a long shot. Followed by Mutable Instruments Clouds.


A4 at the moment. But it changes from week to week.
Couldn’t put the OP-1 down for a month, earlier this year.


Mnm right now


Op-1 hands down, Buchla music easel is my pipedream fun supplier.


SP-1200, Eurorack


Op-1 and the OT


kaoss pad 3 - effects plus four looping samples slots. a4, perfourmer, dx100


It might have to be the dynamic duo of the Bastl Microgranny and Trinity Drum. They seem to make it into just about every setup I put together, whether it’s for ambient, glitch, big beat, to harsh noise. Easy to add in dynamically cut/sliced samples in time with the midi clock and to add in some glitchy drums as well to about any situation.

right now i’ve been loving the intellijel rainmaking. feeding it sounds from the op-1 + volca FM.
so much fun.

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I absolutely love my Electribe MX. It was the first piece of gear I’ve laid my hands on (bought by my parents!) and to this day I still use it as my primary device for sketches. Unbelievably versatile and easy to use live; and although the effects aren’t even close to what A4 offers, filtering one through another has resulted in many happy accidents :slight_smile:


I am digging my new Analog Keys but I have to say my ‘most fun’ lifetime piece of gear is both my Radikal Technologies Spectralis 1 & 2, which when proficient with the AK, plan to fully integrate. I must also mention my Quasimidi Polymorph, because it can effectively midi sequence crazy Berlin Style or Ambient Heaven, so life is good right now.
The Analog Keys also as a midi control keyboard for my Waldorf Microwave XT while learning to use the cv track to drive my Waldorf Pulse+, which has various cv/gate in/outs, and a midi/cv converter, is loads of fun. I originally did not gel with the A4 box, but the Analog Keys’ slight UI changes are perfect for me. Losing a lot of sleep. The cat’s confused. :smile_cat:


My Pyramid sequencer, I never have so many fun and simplicity to produce notes that feet well together, like in a real song, haha.
Lot of fun cause all my gear is under command, and I play the music flavor I always like (Eric Satie or Maurice Ravel, Debussy and Richter) like an old pianist from conservatoire :))


My modified Korg 700S minikorg from 1974, sequenced by the Analog 4 - It sounds awesome too.

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Jomox T-Resonator. Can be sweet as fuck or brutal like a stampeding horde of minotaurs.


Fun? Right now it’s the Volca Sample. Coupled with the Caustic editor and samples of your own it’s an endless rhythmer.

9U of Eurorack.

My Fender Strat plugged in to a old Carvin Tube amp. I can just noodle around for hours with that thing. It gets me into almost like a meditative state.

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