What's your funnest piece of gear?

Gotta agree with jim5 here, except it’s a tele and an old fender tube amp. The OT comes close sometimes, but I have never gotten into a flow state with any electronic gear in the same way I can with guitar, bass or drums.

I love my noise boxes to pieces, but there is a degree of cerebrality (is that a word?) required for me that inhibits full-on soul-feeding play.

Maybe if I had started with piano or keys at a young age, the action of pushing buttons would be more muscle memory than intentional action…I dunno?

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Ensoniq EPS Classique. Once the sample goes in there I manipulate th loop. Bounce it to live. slice and done.

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right now my AR is a huge factor in my fun, but the funnest piece of gear is my bass. Learning new tricks, extending my skills. Improving. Groovin with the RYTM…fun.

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Rytm + Sherman Restyler. Juno 106 was a lot of fun (sold it and bought a JX-03, which is fun as well).

Doing Dub-style automation of tracks in Ableton Live with my Livid DS1 and Push 2. Recording all that automation is fun and powerful.

I find integrating all these items together with OverBridge is my best setup to date.

TR-8 was also very fun. Might get another one sometime (maybe a less hideous mkII?)


Funny? A Gakken SX-150 MKII. Cheap and cheerful. But plug that baby in and you can get obscene sounds.

Oh, funnest, not funniest. Is that even a word, funniest lol? Well right now it is the Octatrack that I just got and am learning but the Monomachine SX-60 MKII+ that is about two days away from me might give it a challenge. They are my “funnest” because I am learning lots of new things on them.

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Probably my nord a1. That’s right now. It’s just so bright. The a4 is still a lot of fun too. I’ve only had it a few months.

DSI TEMPEST. Awesome live features and a loads of fun!


Any synth + Octatrack!

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For me it’s the complete opposite : I’d say Ocatatrack + any synth :smiley:


My Roland V-Drums kit I reckon. :smiley:

It’s a mix and match set, since I upgraded various bits and pieces.

TD30 brain, with top-end hi-hat and cymbals. Mesh pads, but still on rubber kick-drum - which I’ll replace at some point.

My daughter’s started playing drums and taking lessons too. She’ll be better than me before too long. :slight_smile:

Always did like electronics with a live drummer, which was common in the 70s…




Maybe not the funniest but enough special and fun to be quoted here: VESTAX FADERBOARD
it is a sampler, a synth, a effect box, it also sends midi note per Vslider with velocity value.
You can set those sliders to be on-off, or value from 0 to 127.

I made the best evolving chords pads (midi to eternal synth, internal synth is quite limited)

Unfortunately it doesn’t switch on anymore. It will get repaired this summer hopefuly!

OP-1, way way ahead.

Which other peace of gear has apes playing drums, a CWO digesting the signal, and a Chopper game as Easter egg ?
My children often ask for the Tombola randomizing sequencer, they even invented a very interesting way to use it.
And you can sample the radio and use it as a synth or drums !

If I had to get more serious, I’d say that it’s the only instrument on which I can play drums + synth, record them as 4 separate tracks, mix everything and get an output .aif
All of this in the middle of nowhere, without the need for an electric feed during 10 hours.

I always have mine with me on weekends.



OP-1 definitely my choice for “funnest” as well!

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Enjoying the Novation Circuit for just sitting down and jamming out fun stuff. Followed by the Machinedrum. Every time I sit down with no purpose in mind other than noodling, I figure out some fun new way to mangle things.

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Doh… I also thought it said funniest :joy: … My funnest piece of gear is changing every now and then, but I think its the OT and the Circuit at the moment…
When I first got the Rytm it was definatly the rytm, but I sold it right before the latest update. I dont regret it (i used it only as a samplebox) but the new machines made me somehow want it back… I had so much fun with it…

Definitely Defmon right now. :aw:


Currently my Evolver desktop. It’s been my couch synth lately, really enjoying all the unexpected things it turns up with the crazy modulation and sequencing options.