What's your funnest piece of gear?

Great threat. Difficult question though, as fun is obviously very subjective. Here is my shot at trying to define what makes something fun for me in no particular order:

  1. It feels intuitive (to me)
  2. I can get going fast and create something quickly
  3. It has lots of potential for randomness and happy accidents (LFOs, modulation etc)
  4. It has plenty of live control options
  5. It puts a smile on my face and I can’t put it down
  6. Has internal FX to play around with
  7. Has a good and flexible sequencer
  8. It has the right balance between being flexible and being limited at the same time.

The boxes I enjoy(ed) most based on these criteria:

DT & DN: tick all of these boxes

A4: all except 2 for now, but I think that will come with experience

SP404mk2: sold, but was a lot of fun

Arturia Drumbrute: sold, but I had fun with it

Other boxes that might be fun for me based on these criteria and the impressions that I get from them:

  • TR8-s
  • Minilogue XD
  • Minibrute 2s
  • Rytm
  • OP-Z/OP-1

My late 80s HM Strat. :+1:


agreed…just rebought one and won’t part with it again. Immediate fun and sounds great!


I think the Microfreak, it’s just fun to play and explore and most of the times I come up with something worth sampling. For someone who has no keyboard technique, that keybed is super-expressive.

Just got an SP-404 and so far is the most immediate sampler I owned, could become the funnest piece of gear…


Oh, totally forgot about that. I finally got myself a rehearsal space again after a long hiatus. I should take my Nord Drum 3P there. That should be real fun.


Yeah, for me it’s the Nord drum 3p.
I played drum’s when I was a kid for 5-6years and even if I’m one of the worst drummers out there it’s Soo much fun.
Also feeling a huuuge bass makes me smile every time . In my case the Moog Minitaur is doing the job, but it could be anything…


well, you might find this strange, but:

Axoloti & Launchpad Pro.

Axoloti – allows me coding my very own MIDI processing stuff in C (without real C knowledge!) and running it in standalone mode, from any piece of gear to any other piece of gear;

Launchpad Pro – perfect input device and user interface for the above.


Moog Grandmother is immediate and rewarding to me in a way that the Matriarch was not ( but wow that delay)

Whenever I work on the Soma Pulsar 23 I feel like an electric warlock at my spell desk.

The Make Noise shared system is a fantastic maze- I always start with one purpose and end up somewhere else three hours later.

I miss the Digitakt, I feel like I made great stuff happen in mere moments (now I have the analog RYTM and while the stuff that comes out of it sounds better it feels like lawnwork to get there in comparison)


Not sure if this counts but my turntables and mixer

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My last fancy thing + OT.




OP-1 is fun, OT too, but it’s not as spontaneous and quickly rewarding.

I also have a lot of funny moments with my so beloved NerdSeq that is not only a sequencer, but also a tiny drum machine and a 4 operators FM synth :sparkling_heart:


For me, the SP-404 MKII + any synth is the most fun.
Quick sampling, messing with effects and resampling, skipback recording is awesome.

I made a BomeBox project that maps all the 404 pads to 2 channels both in and out.
So now I can just play the pads on the 404 and it gets recorded on the Octatrack sequencer.
So much fun.

Also the OT midi arp and LFO’s + any synth.

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After 30 years of making music and accumulating a studio full of synths, desktop groove boxes and Eurorack the thing I pick up most often for fun or if I just have 5 minutes is an acoustic guitar or my tele plugged strait in to a Fender Blues Jnr.

I also like plugging my guitar in to a my Zoia or Hector (via an Injectr module) so I am not a total luddite :wink:

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Machinedrum mkiiuw, sold to pay rent last year, i will never forgive myself…

At least I’d be having fun with the MD as a hobo :crazy_face:


So sorry…

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Thx bro :relieved: I’ll get it back someday :blush:

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that was the one i fell in love with. …taught bass lessons at a local shop and played that thing a ton. i’m not sure why it took me 10 years to get one but i just went with the most recent, hoping that 8 years later my purchase would push the next iteration out quicker for everybody else


Per dollar? Model:Cycles.

In general? Digitone Keys.


I have a modular case with a Livewire Vulcan with the Intellijel expansion, and a Cwejman VCA-MX. The Vulcan is a dual LFO with with lots of shapes and options. The Cwejman is a VCA that allows voltage control of volume and panning. I can sit for hours playing around with audio rate modulations of every synth parameter and stereo panning.

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