What's your TECHNO setup

Yes, that’s the magic and why this combo is so much fun. You can do all the cool stuff you ever wished the Nordlead could do.

Novation’s synthesis engine is great.
Yes it is old but can still deliver :slight_smile:
Bought a MiniNova (same engine) and do not regret it.
Polyphony is monstrous.
Does VA brilliantly.

Edit: only downfall is programming the damn thing.
I am using the VST in a daw which helps a lot.

This is true but spending time with it will lead you to unknown territories.

Ultranova is more accesible. The endless encoders have touch capability which lets you activate the ‘Animate Controls’ (or what it’s called again). The Mininova has those rubber pads that do the same thing. It’s basically like scenes on the Rytm.
You can do all sorts of crazy (and not so crazy) rhythmic performance stuff with them! You can even retrigger the envelopes, trigger modulation set up in the mod matrix and stuff like that.
Also the synthesis goes pretty deep.

The older Supernova is also great, with lotsa knobs, knobs and knobs! :upside_down_face:

I never actually owned one, but played around with them quite a lot.

Great synths actually. Only as trancey as you make them. :wink:

The current and pretty much final form. I decided that I wanted a system that I could perform with as an instrument. I sold the Digitone, Octatrack MKII, SE-02, and Red Panda Particle v2.

I purchased the Moogs so that anything I do is done on the fly. Each Moog runs into the mixer so I can queue them PFL with the faders down, tweak up a pattern on the fly, then mix it into the performance. I have some atmospheric blips and stuff coming from the A4. The TR8S has custom kits across 16 patterns with some basic but interesting grooves. The thinking is that I set the Moogs up with a starting point then play the set as a completely unique improv. The TR8S gives me some stability with beats so I’m not wholly programming it on the fly. I am pretty adept at slamming in patterns quickly and tend to modify one or two patterns throughout a set (a set being my jamming at home for now as my first show had to be cancelled back in March due to Covid-19). The Mother 32 and SH01A’s saveable sequences provide a bit of a safety net while I’m programming the Moogs on the fly.

So far, it’s been a blast and exactly what I was wanting. My hopes are to be so proficient that I can actually play the instruments with very little pre-programmed content. Each day I fire it up I feel better at it. The muscle memory is getting there.

The last components of the system are modular. I was never very keen on modular systems but the Moogs have piqued my curiosity. I’ll be putting all 3 Moogs into a 12U 84HP (2x Doepfer a100DIY kits) rack that will be built where the Moogs are now.

Elements, Rings, Plaits, Clouds, Stages, Marbles, Veils v2 (Maths at some point as well). All ordered and nearly home :slight_smile: The A4 and the TR8S will provide gates and modulation. I wanted a modal resonant body system to add so crazy stuff and atmospheric drones to all of the analog blorps from the Moogs.

I love playing the system now and can’t wait to bring the Elements and Rings vibe into the fold!

Thanks for reading! <3


Here’s what I currently have in my current setup.

  • Arturia DrumBrute Creation
  • Arturia Keystep Pro
  • Behringer TD-3
  • Boss RV500 Pedal
  • DSI Mopho Desktop
  • Elektron Digitakt
  • Elektron Digitone Keys
  • Jomox MBase11
  • Jomox MBrane1_1
  • Modal Argon 8m
  • Novation Bass Station Rack
  • Novation Drum Station Rack


  • Behringer UMC1820
  • Behringer AD8200
  • JBL 305 MKII
  • Kenton Midi Thru 12

On order - Modal Cobalt 8m

I’ll put some real photos up here once I get this lot all set up, currently all my gear is boxed due to house renovations FFS :frowning:


Would be curious to see how this looks&sounds in action! Do you have any outlet for your music on IG/YT/other?

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Due to COVID, I am stuck in my motherland Norway and most my toys are in my apartment in Amsterdam… But I do have the OT and MC with me her! Inspired by today’s OT upgrade I think these two might be more than enough for techno…

I made a short jam, warning tho I don’t have anything to record into so the audio is from the camera but I think the feel and the spirit is present either way.

M:C was my first hardware purchase and the OT my latest, I have had the OT for 2 weeks now so I am not really good with it but I am having so much fun!


I do some techno as part of my live stuff, but my setup is fairly simple. A Digitakt, a Digitone and a Circuit Mono Station (for dirty squelchy analog).

I have IG but it’s essentially just for flinging memes at my partner. I setup Twitch to stream but again, for my partner and the few sets she’s streamed over the last few months.

The system/setup is still new for me so I’m not at a place where I would fire it up for people to observe. I will have some video recorded in the next few weeks I’m sure so I’d be happy to sure my Twitch archive or YouTube should I upload something. :slight_smile:

Never saw a Mopho Desktop in a techno setup before. Thumbs up!

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Octave One appear to use a Mopho live too. You’re in good company @rob_lee.


Helluva setup.


Helluva time setting up


Please do share when you’re ready:) And don’t worry about being modest / amateur, it’s not a contest, I’m always curious to see what others are up to and enjoy from their process, whichever level they are! (I myself are 100% amateur just enjoying the ride)


Sounds f*ing ace

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Octave One appear to use everything ever made live too.


Thanks man, really appreciate it! :v:


Every time I see these guys I’m astounded they can keep track of everything. Their live show is amazing!


What midi controllers, if any do you use in your setups? I’m currently looking for one for my setup so as my hands aren’t constantly all over the place whilst using my gear.

Anything out there with a ton of knobs/sliders? Iv’e used the Faderfox stuff in the past and Iv’e just seen this thing but it’s a self build.


Any other suggestions?