What's your TECHNO setup

Love this setup and sound. Pretty cool gear there.

Take a look at the electra one.

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That s my ambient setup atm! Ok, a bunch of external fx with it too.


This setup was born of necessity but I love it.
For techno, I really don’t need anything else.

Cough… (DFAM) cough… ahem.


Don’t worry, DFAM’s still a part of my life, it’s just not quite as easy to jam with in the lounge while my kids are sleeping.

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This one is endless. The freedom the iPad provides and the safety net of being able to fire up a drone from the Skiiid app, drenched in verb, or quickly sequence a chopped break loop from DT on the Segments app, until I tweak the hardware with a new sequence is simply great. And it still feels like a hardware. Combined with the instant filter/isolator combo on the sp404 makes the setup almost dj-like. Tweaking the Heat at the end of the chain is the cherry on top. I’m thinking going back into techno for some time ahead and recording few longer workouts with this setup.


I’m working on the second to have 32 faders, and designing (with help actually) another with 5 pots over each fader, so 80 knobs per device. The idea is having all four connected, forming a 32 fader and 160 knobs mixer controller.


A bit weird as everything can do the job but here is mine so far :

  • Verbos Modular Rack
  • Elektron Analog Rytm & A4 MK2 Black (sounds better in black)
  • Waldorf XT
  • Soon (I hope) The Soma Pulsar-23
  • Spectralis MK2

I’d like to add later the Octatrack for resampling the modular to help me to create kinda breaks with a sequence of the slices :slight_smile:


Gave the hardware setup with multiple machines a try, programmed some patterns and sounds on my OT, M:S and Typhon (not the weirdest setup)

Honestly, what a headache and so little fun, some machine understand pattern changes, some don’t, some save automatically, some don’t. I have to manually change the sound on my Typhon despite sending bank/program changes through my MIDI track, the pattern changes on my Model:Samples are randomly late (despite being in the “Elektron ecosystem”), some machine send legato correctly, some don’t, levels are all over the place…

I mean, what a PIA, so much more engineering and debugging than music making. I’m beginning to understand why Cenk’s demos don’t rely on synchronized pattern changes…

Clearly done with this mess for the time being!

I don’t either. All my synths and drum machines run on their own sequencer, only MIDI clock sent around. Won’t fit everyone’s style but I like the limitations of it and it rewards with immediacy and energy (when it goes right…). And obviously I have to keep the number of instruments manageable, which is good for my wallet too :wink:


Techno setup with Alpahbase, DFAM & Verbos 12u. Recently switched to mutitracking inside Live with the help of a MOTU 16a. Still need to install the Fireface UC as an adat expander to have enough I/O to use my remaining pedals as send returns in Live but since Eventide so graciously offered their plug-in to H9 owners I’m in no big rush to dive into the Totalmix headfuck and I’m good with just the H9 and Xfilter as send returns.

Really super happy about the overall upgrade :slight_smile:

Here are a couple mini clips :


Synchonized pattern switching works perfectly on my setup.
For arranging my tracks I usually let all machines follow Octatrack, for recording or performance/live I send only clock which gives much more freedom.

Don’t have any of the newer boxes (Digis/Models), tho.


There has to be something on that wall, a picture or something. You know for better vibe and everything :face_with_monocle:

Looks like really sweet though, with the Jomox! Does the Eurorack do something with the audio from the Alpha Base?

Yeah for sure but I just moved so first things first :slight_smile:
I might go so far as put a little shelf even. I’ve got a ton of pictures to hang up too.

I love the Jomox. It’s going directly in the MOTU. It has great VCAs/Filters so I haven’t felt the need to try it though the modular but I should try !

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Hows editing on the Alphabase? Does it feel immediate and intuitive or more menu-divey?



Editing is dead easy : select an instrument, turn one of the many knobs. Most parameters are laid out the same way so it’s quickly second nature to adjust -say- the decay of you instrument. Some instruments have a second page but it’s not annoying at all to reach since there is a page button. The only thing that’s a bit annoying is that you only get numbers from 0-300 for your samples so either you remember your favorites or spend 5min scrolling. I’ve spent some time choosing a few I like for each instrument and then the VCA/Filter combo is very powerful so you can mangle the same sample a variety of ways. Plus you always have the internal noise on tap.

I’d say it’s not a drum machine for a super power user that like to use every single feature of song mode and P-lock every step with 5 different parameters. It’s a drum machine if you want great, powerful sound, with a ton of tweakability/synthesis options. That’s me, so I’m very happy about it.