When did having the original box become a thing?

I think I listened to an interview where he specifically said he kept all the boxes and has them in a storage shed or something lol. I’m not joking.

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I always buy cases for my stuff, oem if available, so it is always a dilemma when I sell… do I ship in the case, or the original box? Do I ship them separate and have to pay more because I kept the box?
I usually give the buyer a choice, original box, or pay more and get the case but no box. It is a shame to throw them away though, but it is expensive to ship, and I want to keep them with the case if I can.


The various Elektron devices I have come in boxes with that mushy black material, some type of plastic or whatever, and then I’ve just cut in that material to be able to fit the Elektron plastic cover in there as well together with the device itself, but usually I have to put the cover upside down when packed in the box.