When I download new OS 1.30 I get a blank and empty file

Hello from Belgium everybody…

I get c6 in order to download the new OS
When I download the new OS from the support section in elektron website
I only get a blank page that weight 1,1mo and named:
try to drag it to c6…nothing happens of course

the file that I’m downloading is empty…


Try again from here, but if it’s 1.1Mb it can’t really be empty

Is AR is USB mode for system purposes, is MIDI via USB or DIN+USB activated ?

If you are on OSX use Sysex Explorer to view the content, prove it’s there

Is the AR on and connected before starting C6

Try opening the file as opposed to dragging it

Shit you wrote “new” and made me go check, it’s already very old!!

Hello Avantronica
thanks for your quick answer

tried your link :it’s the same
AR on and connected before c6
AR in mode : OS upgrade >waiting for sysex
file opened and not dragged
AR midi port config > input from USB
AR >system>USB config>USB-MIDI only

when I press on SEND in C6 nothing happened
what did I miss !!!

ok thought my file was empty and couldn’t send it
but it was because of c6 freezing all the time
had to plug / unplugged / restart / quit / re-install
took me hours and hours and now it work

I referred myself to this post:
Send samples with C6 / win7 / USB

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