Where are the Model Cycles Soundpacks?

Anyone else tired of the factory presets and checking the Elektron soundpack page every two seconds? Come on guys! I would kill for a Soundpack with basic synth sounds and better fm building blocks.


In the M:C Q&A thread, Ess said it was possible to build new ones (edit: machines), but a difficult process and not something that was a priority now.

Iā€™m surprised by this, because I would have thought extra machines would be a nice revenue earner. So up to that comment, I had assumed they had factored add-on machines into their product plan. But evidently not.

Edit: Sorry, you said ā€œsoundpacksā€. Do you mean Presets, or Machines? Presets can only do what the existing machines allow, which is just a shortcut for turning knobs yourself. New Machines would truly introduce new sounds.

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Why not make your own and have fun!


It would be awesome to have some different machines in the future. Iā€™m talking about preset sounds like the kind you select when opening your ā€œfactoryā€ file over the Model Cycles.

Iā€™m having a blast with it and am making a bunch of my own sounds, but think it would be nice to have some new soundpacks. They usually release a few when they release a new box but this time the only thing they came out with after was a MS pack.

Maybe theyā€™re coming but a little delayed because of the situation right now, plus the fact M:C sold out ridiculously quickly. If I was someone in charge of revenue at Elektron, Iā€™d put everybody possible on making more units and fast. But anyway, Iā€™m sure theyā€™ll arrive with sound packs soon enough :slightly_smiling_face:


Get @mekohler ā€˜s Tensor thingamy and release your own


I sure there will be sound packs personally Iā€™ve been finding the need for them less for synth type sounds and more interested in drum type sounds in conjunction with the sound locks, it easy to make your own drums but it is always nice to see what others are doing with it alsoā€¦ the thing is so fast to tweak and a lot of the most interesting synthy sound design type stuff seems to come for the sequencer in conjunction with the sound, all about what you tweak and lock which makes it harder to guide people with a preset. Not sure what you mean by better FM building blocks? Like more fx style sounds? Wouldnā€™t mind seeing a sound pack but I could see how it might be hard to build a themed one given the tool set.

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the possibility of new machines in future updates is amazing tbh.

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Just tweak all the knobs until you get a new patch lol :joy: honestly yeah sound packs are nice and all for learning but dialing in your own sound can be way more rewarding.

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By building blocks I mean more waveform options to mess with. I would love to start out with a simple square wave and tweak from there. You know what I mean? I think I really am focusing on getting more ā€œbread and butterā€ synth sounds from the cycles because Iā€™m pairing it with the MS.

I like using presets as a way to get closer to a sound Iā€™m trying to achieve. I donā€™t think I ever use a preset as is. I always load up my Elektron gear with as many Soundpacks as I can because sometimes just browsing different sounds will give me an idea to do something different or try to edit something to sound like something else.

underrated post


This is why I was asking if you were taking about Presets or Machines earlier. What youā€™re talking about here would need a new Machine. Presets will only get you sounds you can already get yourself with the knobs.

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You have just 4 knobs (that changes the sound) and an LFO to deal with here - itā€™s not that hard to make your own sounds. Besides there are over 200 synth presets so there should be something in there thatā€™s usable.

When you register your M:C, you have a free Sound Pack in your account.


Ooh, is this an extra one compared to the Factory ones? Iā€™m still waiting on my unit to be delivered so canā€™t check this out for myself atm

Totally. Every time I use it I find new sonic territory. My problem is running out of tracks!


It is an extra one.

You have an 808 BD in the Pack.


Awesome. Thanks! :pray:

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