Where can I get Overbridge 2.0.44 for airgapped El Capitan studio Mac?

Hi – I accidentally uninstalled my (I think 2.0.37) version of Overbridge from my airgapped studio Mac (still running El Capitan because of performance issues post-Heartbleed/Meltdown :frowning:) , and 2.0.47 no longer supports MacOS 10.11. Looking at the release notes it seems 2.0.44 was the last version to run on El Capitan.

I know there’s no official page for this (come on Elektron, there are valid use cases and it’s not like I expect support for it) but does anyone know where I might be able to download 2.0.44 unofficially?


Contact support, state your use case and ask for an official download link. Then stick it on a USB stick to transfer to your air-gapped machine.


Support already contacted. Wondered if there was an unofficial page somewhere I was missing. Thanks

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