Where do you find most problems with OB?

OB would be such an amazing platform if it just worked right…

Anyone shed any light on this one… So i have a custom template in Ableton, its quite large with lots of routing applied. If i load OB for any one of my devices (Rytm, Four, DT, Heat) it just does not respond - i.e. no audio and controls not reacting. However, if i load a blank project it seems to work flawlessly.

Anyone have any ideas what the main cause would be? my suspicions are with:

  • Routing in and out via usb and firewire (i run 2 interfaces as aggregate)
  • Some glitch regarding number of plugins on the template (these are all disabled and activated as needed)
  • Too many usb connections?

Im just taking wild guesses to be honest. All i know is that the more tracks with information the less responsive OB is. Has anyone had success by running all devices as aggregate and loading into Abletons audio devices?


I’ve just about had it with overbridge myself. There’s just constantly something that doesn’t work properly and you’ll spend way more time trouble shooting a buggy inconsistent mess than making music, especially when trying to aggregate multiple devises together. The devises themselves even behave very differently (I have A4 and DT) with completely different rules, bugs, midi issues. Even if you do manage to get everything to work it’ll be so finicky and fragile and probably ridden with latency issues.

I’m a studio engineer by trade meaning I make a living trouble shooting and sorting signal flow and routing but Overbridge is just too inconsistent to be worth your time.


Every once in a while I’ll come back to it and spend most of my day trying to make things work… eventually will make some compromise where I think all.is working and then something else happens! And yes I agree the issues seem inconsistent across different devices. My A4 mk1 is the worst culprit while Digitone seems to be quite good (sometimes).

It’s so frustrating! If it all.worked flawless it really would be a dream setup! Individual tracks for each voice :open_mouth::open_mouth::open_mouth::open_mouth:

I love my Elektron gear but there have been a few times it nearly went out the window due to OB.

I use it for my live set pretty flawlessly tbh.

Maybe I’m just not using it for the sort of thing that makes it break though, as am not doing much communication between my DAW and OB except sending separate audio (and also use ableton which seems to have been the benchmark.)

Yeah that seems to be the issue.

If you were using OB solely on it’s own then always seems flawless.

The only issue I have with OB is when I use AH mk2 on the Master Track. Occasionally, AH freezes when I use its knobs intensively. Otherwise, OB is very stable.

I use it with several Settings : Live Session, Recording Session.