Where is the area with the presets from elektronauts 1?

where is the area with the presets from elektronauts 1? or does anyone know where i can download presets fro my analogue 4?

I think the file section is not present now :frowning:

that is a pitty. is there any other place for electron stuff that might host some files? i know there is another site but the last time i had a look it wasnt updated for a while

I have got the official packs already but don’t like many of them. was hoping to get some user patches as lots of people complain about the weak sound of the a4 and lots of people say you have to make your own sounds. unfortunately I am not that patient / talented etc to do sounddesign for hours and was hoping to find some good stuff…i downloaded some packs a while ago which i liked way better but i didnt keep them in the a4. now that the pugin allows linrary function i was hoping to finally sort the sounds to have them on my hand. :frowning: