Where is The sound setting of a4 to save? Kit or sound?

Since I recently systematically studying the manual of a4 and ar together, I found some very interesting different details of the duo, mostly they have identical data structure and concepts of workflow, but sometimes…
Both of duo Sound menu have the sound setting sub menu, ar clearly statement those settings save to kit by manual, a4 didn’t mention anything about where to save those setting, by my own test sound seems a4 save it to sound instead to kit, but I am not sure if I was right?

A kit is a bundle of sounds (+ more). Saving as a separate sound is just necessary if you want to use it somewhere else (read: for importing into another project/kit) or if you want to archive it with its own name to find it again easier.

Whenever you load a sound into a kit, the sound gets copied into the kit (not linked). So any changes to the sound within the kit are only saved to the kit itself and are decoupled from the original you imported it from.


If you are creating sounds for the +drive to be used across kits you can hit sound + yes to save. This option doesn’t appear in the sound menu. I think that goes for rytm as well.

The sound manager is the place where you save sounds (Yes+Sound is the short cut for this operation), edit sounds (rename, tag, copy to pool, copy to +drive, delete). Also sounds can be loaded onto a track from the manager.

What’s the long way then? I open the sound manager and it doesn’t seem to let me save my sound in an empty slot.

I am not talking about save whole sound, I am talking about sound setting sub menu, there are some important things out there:

When you import a sound to kit, how about these parameters? If kit doesn’t take care theses, you sound will not heard as the original

AFAIK it’s exactly lile @tnussb explained; those settings are for a sound. When you save a sound, you save it with those settings, when you load a sound into a track from the +drive, it gets loaded with those settings, but since a sound, when you load it into a kit gets copied into the kit as a part of the kit the sound settings still change settings of sounds in each of the four tracks, but as part of the kit now.

Lol, my explanation kinda sounds like that nicely uber-complicated stuff you’d read in an Elektron manual :joy:


A4 Manual: "9. KITS AND SOUNDS: "… A Kit contains: Sound settings for the 4 synth tracks… "

Thanks! What a fool am I! Didn’t saw the beginning of chapter.