Where to buy in depth tutorials of elektron machines?

Out of curiosity - what topics would these professional videos need to cover? For you to buy them?

Practical video examples of the hundreds of interesting undocumented tips and tricks plastered all over this forum would be awesome.

I always forget and lose track of where Iā€™ve read them all.

Octatrack for me please :grin:


I would pay for synthesis tutorials. Starting with a sound (e.g. ā€žThis lead in ā€¦ā€œ) and then NOT in the style ā€žTurn this knob to 12:00 and switch this onā€¦ā€œ BUT in the style of ā€žIn order to ā€¦ we have to ā€¦ and therefore set the envelope something like thatā€¦ā€œ

I have paid for Ableton training and various other tutorials and would do the same for Elektron focused sound design tutorials.


I would include advanced features, such as Scenes and performances. I understand how they work, and have used them myself at a novice level, but I donā€™t understand how to fully utilize them. A lot of the videos I see just go too fast or donā€™t explain things well enough.

Most of the videos Iā€™ve seen, even the ones titled ā€œTutorialā€ end up being a showcase of ā€œhey look what I can doā€ but explain nothing.

I purchased Cenks tutorial on the OT MKII on how you can take a track, record it (thru track) and switch to another part and manipulate the heck out of it (flex machine). Best 5 bucks Iā€™ve spent and it opened a lot of possibilities.

LFOā€™s - theres some videos on them, but I still do not know how to utilize them in a real world situation.

Side chaining. I donā€™t believe these devices do true side chaining, but I believe there are some tips and tricks.

I donā€™t know why Cenk does not do more videos, or Elektron does not pay him to make a full MKII video series. Yeah I know the MKI and MKII are similar, but there are some differences as well.

In the end, I prefer videos. I use manuals for reference, but I can not read a manual end to end. I fall asleep and after 4 pages, I donā€™t even know what I read. I swear I must have a learning disability or something. I just have a real hard time with text.

What really sucks for me is just getting into this stuff all too late at 47. Most of the people Iā€™m talking to here started with an 808 and a 303 in 1982. I never touched any of this stuff until 11/16. Iā€™m lucky I can make a 4/4 kick pattern.

I would love to eventually get to know these machines inside and out so that I can eventually stray away from the typical boom boom boom boom and every single song sounding like the last one.


Iā€™m totally with you ,on the text / video ,I fall asleep all the time,even watching videos of thavius beck on my iPad,itā€™s a nightmare, every good intention of watching and learning but can feel your eyes goin on ya ā€¦after 10 minutes.
Iā€™ve got the 3 mk2s and know thereā€™s so much to learn,it seems daunting at times.Its frustrating,maybe an online course would be good.


Glad Iā€™m not the only one. Iā€™m always tired, no matter how much sleep I get, work out, eat good. When I dive into a manual, I start nodding off. Iā€™m stoked to have all 3 MKIIā€™s but as I mentioned, it eats at me not knowing every single capability. But I guess thatā€™s good, since I wonā€™t be bored for a while. I have a subscription to ASK as well. The videos are a good starting point, but they need an advanced series on the MKIIā€™s

anyone found an advanced tutorial on the rytm MKII yet? (or MKI is fine too).

Iā€™m mainly interested in tutorials on how to make the best kick sounds, snare sounds, best layering tricks of samples+machines (eg making sounds) - etc.

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Are the AskAudio courses of the A4MK1 also suitable for owners of the A4MK2 or are there to many differences regarding workflow, functions etc?

Iā€™ll dive into this old thread. Iā€™m working on a longer course (multi chapter tutorial?) right now. Itā€™ll focus the common sequencer functions of Analogs, Digis and Octatrack. MKI and MKII as the current machines are right now.

Iā€™ll let you know when itā€™s up for grabs. And see if people really are interested in buying tutorials. :wink:


OKā€¦ Now you can buy a tutorial here. :wink: With discount and all!



Thavius Beck has a fantastic new tutorial up on Ask Audio - Octatrack mkII sequencing Digitone. I learned a lot of stuff in that one.

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Yeap this one is ok but the OT mk2 is really for beginnersā€¦ I expected much more than a guy loading samples and going " cool " . " grovy " " fun " ā€¦

Hi Carl - the page is offline or unavailable?

Feeling what you say there. I ve started producing around 2000. Owned a Sidstation and still own and extensively use mk1 Machinedrum and Monomachine. That makes that I can read a manual of the current machines (got an AR2 last) and get a pretty good understanding of how to use it, even without having the device in front of me.

When less experienced musicians get confronted with say an AR2, I understand the feeling of being lost in possibilities.

Alternative to the tutorials method, I d like to advocate the experimentation method. I personally have no need for learning a device from A to Z in one go. I advise to play around and try out stuff, perhaps something you ve heard and want to replicate, or try out this function that puzzles you. Take it one step at a time. Get a good grip on it before moving to the next. Open up the manual to find info on that particular function you re working out, not more.

For me that s the fun in exploring these instruments. It takes a long time to completely master it, and that s cool cause it can continue to surprise and grow on you for years.

In the meantime, don t forget to make music. That s what it s about. There is no correct way to use them. There are as many was as there are users. It s the music that counts.

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Hmmmā€¦ Changed the title after a few daysā€¦ Sorry. Here:



Great stuff Carl.
What I miss is a good tutorial on synthesis / sound design with the analog machines.
There are quite some tutorials on how to use the sequencer, etc.

Or did I overlook something?

I have ā€œCurious on subtractive synthesisā€ on the agenda - in fact, almost a finished script.

Thereā€™s this one with some synthesis elements covered. Not sure how good it is, but I do remember someone recommending it on here a while ago.

Thanks, but i meant on the RYTM!

The Thavius Beck videos are great. Iā€™ve purchased both his A4 and AR2 tutorials on Macprovideo.