Where to buy in depth tutorials of elektron machines?

I’m gonna jump in here… any know tutorials on creative ideas on how to use the elektron machines? I have a pretty solid knowledge about the structure of the machines and synthesis and sound design, and I’ve read the manuals of OT, AR and A4 at least 2 times, but I am interested in tips and tricks on the scenes and performance modes…

Regarding subtractive synthesis, can you address the 2-filter architecture of the Analog Four? It’s quite unusual to have 2 in series like this, and it confuses me as to how to use them together.

For the german speakers in here: I produced a couple of commercial video tuts for the AR, A4 and DT. The courses for the A4 and AR are pretty comprehensive, 7-8 hours :slight_smile:


Currently I’am working on an Octatrack course and until now I recorded 18 hours material and I have two more chapters on the list :wink: With the video editing etc. it will be published in march I guess :wink:


Did you try this:

https://www.synthdawg.com/product-page/the-analog-four-notebook - covers MkI, MkII and Analog Keys

https://www.synthdawg.com/product-page/the-digitakt-notebook - applicable for DT with OS ver. 1.11 as well

sure it’s been mentioned before, but I’m really pro the Thavius Beck Elektron tutorials on macprovideo.com. really well delivered, no jargon, but covers a whole tonne. Totally demistified the OT for me, and is the reason that I love that machine so much. If you do choose to buy the courses, email them first to see if they’ll do you any discounts - they usually do. Plus you get an app for d/l of the course, so can reference it on your phone whenever you like.

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Yeah his are good but I found for the RYTM MKII, it’s pretty basic tutorial that doesnt cover more than 50% of the machine. But its a great intro to the machine.

The best thing was finding Cenk doing demos of it and just slowing down and copying what he does. That really opened the machine up when combined with the MacPro vids.

Ah, not watched that series - just the Octatrack ones and the A4.

not much out there huh

Hi where do I find the video you’re referring to? Thank you very much :slight_smile: