Where to put new midi keyboard in chain?

Hi, so I have a Torso T-1 sequencer, DN, DT, Orbit 9090 and Typhon. All works a treat and I can sequence everything from the Torso with the following midi chain:
Torso Out > DT In > DT Out > DN In > DN Out > Typhon In > Typhon Out > Orbit In
I’ve just purchased a Keystep 37 and I can’t figure out where this should go in the chain so that i can use it to play each individual midi channel (DT 1-8, DN 9-12, Typhon 13 and Orbit 14) by selecting the appropriate channel on the Keystep whilst simultaneously using the Torso to sequence the whole lot.
Not sure if that makes sense…I will try clarify if not…

Since the last FW update on the T/1, I believe you could put your KS either before or after the T-1. I would put it after to have the clock sent to KS in case you want to use its ARP.
Someone more experienced would probably give you more info.

Should you not use the THRU connections?
I am also using a T-1 sequencing a DN, DT and A4 this way (using thru).
T-1 out to OT in
OT out+thru to merge box (so both OT and T-1 can send CC/notes to the rest)
Merge 1 to DN in
DN thru to A4 in
Merge 2 to DT in
DT thru to AH in

Edit: if I were you I would get a 2in 2out merge box to have KS merge in 1 and T-1 merge in 2.
Merge out 1 to DT in
DT thru to Typhoon in
Merge out 2 to DN in
DN thru to Orbit 9090


thanks so much vasidudu, will try that now and report back

I guess there’s no way of doing it without a midi merge box, is that because I have two devices without a thru connection? (Typhon and Keystep)

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OG Keystep can be set to have MIDI out as thru in the Arturia software. Not sure about KS37 though.
And yes, a MIDI merger will solve a lot of problems/issues.
I am using one with 2 I/O that does not require AC. Works fine.
These are the kind of things that are not sexy at all but at some point become necessary.

Cheers, got this all working now!
Many thanks :slight_smile:

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FYI, the MIDI Out of the Typhon can act as a Thru.

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