Which delay pedal? Recommendations from users

I have a BHS, i’ts great as a delay, does some crunchy dark modulated bbd / tape style stuff. Lofi sounding. It is not as lush sounding as my Strymon Volante (big stereo sound), but it serves a different purpose and has a nice reverb and big muff style fuzz on board as well. The fuzz is muffled and dark, so it benefits from some post pedals like eq and filters, used this way the Black Hole Symmetry really shines. Just as a top delay pedal, I would go for the Volante first. Different beasts though.

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ooo, I did not realise that was stereo, thanks…

Perhaps not crusty like a Zen Delay, but it’s a fun and tactile multi effects machine:

Sorry, also not a pedal.

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I’d confirm the Zen is for you. Being fun to play is something that, IMHO, really sets the Zen apart. Being able to really push the feedback without it going crazy is part of it, but also the playability of the drive and that gorgeous filter — it’s so easy to get something you like, then get more by sweeping the LPF, then more again by kicking up the resonance, then switching over to band pass and doing it all over… it’s a great package.

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Got Zen Delay. Having a lot of fun. Thanks all!


I’m looking for a delay pedal in the vein of the Bugbrand PT delay. Can’t find this pedal anywhere anymore. It has a few interesting features like EQ, input gain, levels for both dry and wet signal and drive on the delay signal. Any suggestions?