Which delay pedal? Recommendations from users

By far my favourite delay is the messy bleary eyed noisy AD4096 MkII AD4096 mk2 — Endangered Audio Research

Gives me more joy and has stuck around longer than any other delay pedal I’ve owned. Nothing comes close to its particular brand of goodness. Though I’ve only used it as a guitar effect rather than put to other use, the range of in sockets and dip switches at the back suggest it was designed with more use cases than that.

Not sure what happened to EAR as a pedal builder - their Spectravibe tremolo is also first class. I think the AD4096 Mkii may have broken them with its time and cost overruns. But it’s an outstanding achievement. With EAR seemingly no longer with us, you can pick them up fairly cheap (for what they are) used on Reverb - £200-220, which is bargainous for what you get.

Recently got a Polymoon and I agree with you about its limitations though it does sound amazing. I’d like something more playable and weird but definitely with MIDI so I can control it with my OT. Are you saying you like the Nemesis best out of the ones you have? I was also considering the echolution because it looks very playable and modulatable and has a normal midi jack!

What I think I really want is a Zen delay but with modulation on the delay time. I would trade the tube for an lfo or even just midi CC on delay time and I’d use midi lfos from OT…

The Nemesis is awesome. But I would not rank it better compared to others. It can do many different sounds, the app works well and the midi is rock solid. I use it mostly on drums, but it would work with most things.

The Echolution is nice too, but for other applications. To me it’s much less versatile. I love it on synths. It sounds very digital, the modulations sounds great. If you are into modulated delays then it’s great.

If I had to keep only one, I would still go with an Eventide H9. More expensive, but it has so many Delays and Pitch algorithms that it’s just a dream. The iPad control of the H9 is useful and fun, and the Midi is solid too.


Hi there,

here’s a demo of the Walrus Audio Mako D1 Delay. Maybe you find it useful.

I believe most, if not all, Meris pedals use TRS midi.
I dipped my toe into this space when I picked up the blooper.
It works fine once you get it sorted. But, 2 things to watch out for:

  1. somewhere in your midi chain you need a TRS midi box which is about $60US last I checked.
  2. not all TRS midi implementations are the same. “Type A” and “Type B” are the most common. But I’m pretty sure there’s at least one more implementation. Most vendors do or do not document what they’ve done at their pleasure. I believe Disaster Area makes the most affordable converter that adjusts for almost any implementation. If you buy one of the branded midi boxes from Meris, or CBA, you’re likely to gave coverage for a couple different brands, but not all… I really like my blooper, but I regret buying their midi box, only to learn that it’s not as flexible as some.

strymon strymon strymon. they’re so warm and lush. “analog” vibe across the board imo.

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I think that depends on what you need to do with the pedal. I have a Meris Ottobit Jr and I can send it clock just fine with just a MIDI-TRS adapter, no need for a midi box

I’ve been down the rabbithole with delays, starting with a DBA Echo Dream 2 (which was great but I decided a Strymon El Capistan would be even better…). I moved the El Cap on in favour of a Foxpedal The Wave, which was stunning but I didn’t need 3 different modes and I’ve got an embarrassment of spring tanks and units so didn’t need the built in reverb brick

After all these circa-£300 pedals I’ve ended up with a sub £100 EHX Deluxe Memory Boy and it’s an absolute joy!

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I’m also on a journey to find the holy saint delay.
I search for something with a lot of possibilities, I can’t decide between the Echosystem and the source audio Nemesis. :sweat_smile:

Have you checked the Reminder from Enjoy Electronics :

I don’t know your budget or the space you have, though.

I heard about it some month ago. I’m more into pure delay but I will take a look. Thanks

After viewed some videos, it is not what I am after.
It is very powerfulI but it sound too clean for me. It’s more like a pattern creator than a effect.

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Has anyone used the big box deluxe memory man on synths? It’s a holy grail pedal for me, I’ve never used one. I love how it sounds on guitars. I have tons of Delay pedals, I was a total Delay Pedal junkie for a while. But I’ve still never played with a DMM.

There’s one on sale locally in great shape and I’m tempted to get it. Steep price though, 700 bucks :grimacing:

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I have one of those and use it only occasionally on guitar. Should really try it on one of my mono synths. $700 is a good price for that pedal, here they sell for over 1200-1500€ a pop which is crazy really.

I recently saw a video for this one and I like it: Collision Devices - Black Hole Symmetry

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Right… I want a delay pedal to (mostly) use as a send while dub mixing live… plus a bit of sound design-y stuff.

I think i’d like it to be stereo, and MIDI syncable and pretty fun to play with, and easy to get into infinite repeats whilst hard to push out of control. I’d like it to sound a bit crusty/mental.

I think it’s a Zen Delay.

I just tried a Strymon Volante and while the looper thing was cool, it was all a bit too nice and subtle so I just sold it…

so basically, I’m just posting as a last second idiot check before I spend the money on a Zen Delay really. I don’t think there’s anything on this thread that makes me doubt it… but am I missing anything from the last six months?

Boss RE-202? Seems great from what I heard, but seems to be out of stock everywhere.


The RE-2 seems cool too with a smaller footprint at the expense of fine control over low and high damp.

I recently sold an El Capistan which had some limitations:

  • Mix is very progressive until 75% then all of a sudden full wet
  • No stereo input unless you move a jumper and then use a Y TRS cable
  • A bit of a one trick pony, you only get that tape delay sound even with wow & flutter on the lowest setting and tape age too.

I’m in the market for another tape delay emulation, that would be more progressive (from regular delay to full wobbly tape delay) and with stereo inputs/outputs. Might be the RE-2 but as you said those are nowhere to be found. Taking suggestions…

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  • DD-500 is very cool, has 2 engines at once and it can be deeply programmed (many LFOs)
  • Eventide is ok, but not very exciting, not to say boring. Just an ok delay with quite dry/digital coloration of the sound. Quite heavy thing.
  • Nemesis is cool and versatile (from reviews), has nicer sound, but full programming available only via app

Having owned the TimeFactor for years, I have to agree with you on this one. It’s a high quality delay, but yeah, it’s somewhat “dry” indeed.