Which Faderfox for Rytm MK2?

Or an Electra One. Small size, handy and so powerfull.

Faderfox controllers are great by the way. You can’t go wrong !

by “knobs”, do you mean pots or encoders?
if all you need is knobs, there are far cheaper solutions out there. same with even encoders.
a coworker of mine got one from them. he knows he’s overpaid for it, even if it is “custom”

what would be cheaper ?

pots or encoders? and know many “knobs” are you talking?

anything similar to faderfox PC12 or to this MINIBLOCK² - Yaeltex

they’re both different. one is pots and one is encoders. If you go with encoders, whatever youre using it with needs to be able to update the values or you get jumping values (like pots) as stated above. Encoders are a double edged sword, and not always the better option.

If youre looking at that many knobs, there arent too many off the shelf.
Behringer will release their bcr32 sometime this decade…
Theres some DIY projects that are cheaper like the bastl 60knob

If you don’t mind the used route
theres the older behringer bcr’s
livid instruments stuff (but programming is dependent on model as they are defunct due to the owner having ALS)
Doepfer stuff but its pricey cause doepfer
Theres always the make your own route

Can the Digitakt, Digitone and Syntakt update their values?

What is possible with the EC4 (and maybe also with the PC4) is that the ST sends a value when you turn one of the ST’s knobs. But when you change a pattern, the ST does not send all values so the controller has no way of knowing them. The ST also does not respond to the relative CC values the PC4 is able to send.

But I depending on how you use it and how you set up your sounds, you can avoid parameter jumps messing with your performance.

I’d probably just be using it to perform one track at a time (for YouTube videos) so I could probably get them all set correctly before I hit record. Sounds like it might be a bit of a faff though, especially if changing patterns during a performance.

One more input…
The Rytm has no faders, which are generally considered a great feature on TR-8.

The UC4 has 8 knobs, 8 faders and 1 cross-fader.