Which Faderfox for Rytm MK2?

Looking for a midi controller to handle performance of two synths and a Rytm? I like the Faderfox form factor (ec4, uc4) but have no experience of either. Also open to any recommendations from other brands.

Some things to consider: Other than the OT, Rytm can’t send out its current knob positions via midi. So wether you choose pots or endless rotaries, values will skip (when you’ve changed values in the Rytm that is, so when the Faderfox knobs are in the wrong position).

I don’t really have a problem with that, but it made me choose for pots. That way you can at least see where the pots positions are at in a quick glance, to guesstimate how far the value jump will be. Plus you exactly know how far to turn the pots from zero to full, as opposed to the endless rotaries. I prefer that.

Faders would be nice for track volumes of course. But I ended choosing the PC12 over the MX12, just for the extra amount of pots to assign per track. I tested briefly with an old midi controller if I could get used to pots for volume, and I decided I could.

I had a couple of other controllers, but I’m happy I have one now that has all the hardware I/O and doesn’t need a USBmidiHost, especially if you don’t have a spare one lying around already.

PS check into the merge functionality. I haven’t gotten my FF to merge incoming midi with outgoing midi, but if I get it to work, it does provide more routing flexibility than most of its competitors.


Thank you for so much information.

So I guess what you’re saying is, if I’m using the FF to control something on the AR, as long as I don’t touch AR (once the performance has begun), I shouldn’t have any parameters jumping.

I only want to live perform a track, so I’d be fine with that, if that’s the case?

However, if I change pattens during a performance, will my parameters jump?

I’m not sure what the merge is about, so I’ll read up on that.

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MX12 for AR and the PC12 or EC4 for anything else


Exactly. But for some things I find it isn’t that big of a problem also if there’s value jumps. For example delay, I can fairly easy guesstimate where to turn a pot to match enough as needed. And volume pots are perfect to reset during a mute; after which I turn the pot full down or full up and its aligned again when I unmute. So I kinda make it work fine, even if sometimes values jump when I go to a new pattern/kit.

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Let’s say at some point you want something else to be midi master. In that example, the faderfoxes are supposed to work when you put them between the midi master and the Rytm that comes after the FF. In that case a FF should pass along the clock and program change info, and combine that to its own output. BUT I haven’t gotten it to work, I have to say - need to check the manual.

Ok. So your essential saying it combines midi out with midi thru?

perfect way to say it!

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The only problem with the mx12 would be it’s size. I’m not sure I’d have space to fit it on my desk.

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Ah ok well the size is basically the same as OT/AR/A4 MKI however you can’t go wrong with the EC4/PC4 mate very small and fantastic.

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I guess what I’m trying to achieve here is; I want to record a track live, but have a set of parameters available in front of me so I don’t have to run all over the place. I don’t need too many parameters mapped out, because I’m just using it on a per track basis.

So, something small with a few parameters would be all I need.

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The EC-4 is great for this kind of stuff. Control everything from one spot. The online editor is great. I just sat a whole day with the hardware synth manuals (midi cc) pages and programmed my EC-4 for various synths and drum machines. 1 or 2 pushes of a button and your controlling another synth. Assign whatever you like, name the controls and you’re off. Very great bit of kit, the developer answers anything your not sure of. There’s also the PC-4 but it’s not graphic but has 24 knobs I think.

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Once programmed, are all of those parameters saved onto the device, even after you power off?

Yes absolutely, you have to clear the unit manually if you want to delete anything. All settings are there upon powering up EC-4.
You can’t go wrong mate it’ll be a great controller for all your gear. :+1:

Screenshot of the editor…




SE01 - Could be like

GR01 - Virus TI x16 midi cc’s or if you need more group some more in GR02 see editor

SE01 - GR03 could be a drum machine etc etc etc
SE01 - GR04 could be DSI Mopho etc

SE02 - Could be just any other group of x16 hardware synths you want

There are 16 setups the last being dedicated to Ableton Live so

SE16 - Will have GR01-16 assigned to Ableton stuff if you know what I mean?

You basically have 16 setups x16 groups of anything you want and all saved on power off :+1:


That actually sounds really good and perfect for my needs. Thanks for taking the time to explain, appreciate it.


Oh also, you can play the synths from the EC-4 too… set 1 group (I always use GR16) and push the encoder and you can play the synth that is assigned to that group from the EC-4, no more Octopus hands lol.
Seriously this is what you want, small form factor but very very powerful indeed.
No problem about helping out mate I hope you get the best from your gear :+1:

If you use decksavers you can always have your gear covered and just control them from the Fadrefox too.

Some pics of some naming etc here


Thanks Rob, proper legend mate. :+1:t3:

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I think I agree with @rob_lee, if you only need a small set of knob values that is different each time, the EC4 seems perfect for you.


there’s also these guys https://yaeltex.com
I haven’t tried anything from them yet but I’m thinking of getting an all knobs type of controller

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