Which M:C companion for live dark ambient/industrial/noise


I am so undecided… I am starting a project with a drummer and we would like to make a duo with drum and synths, genre dark ambient/industrial/noise.
I have already a Model:Cycles and a MIDI keyboard and I am thinking to buy a companion to be used in order to add some extra stuff, such as: FXs, more powerful sequencer (and a song mode), glitchy layers, complex textures.

No live performance, but anyway the idea is not to use PC while playing in studio, just at post-processing stage.

I was thinking about:

  • Cycles + Digitakt
  • Cycles + Octatrack MKII
  • Cycles + Analog Four MKII
  • Cycles + Other synths (Wavestate?)

What is your experiences/suggestions?

Thank you

Cycles + Octatrack is a very versatile and flexible choice.

You could get a lot out of Cycles and Digitakt, too, but with a bit less FX and mangling options.

If it was me, I’d probably go for Cycles, Lyra 8 and something like the Erica Synths Acidbox 3.

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Hmm I would say Octatrack would give you the most muscle there. You could resample some contact mics on the drum kit and do gnarly strech and pull kinda time effects while also loading up extra tracks of stems or other inputs

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DSI Evolver worth a shout


I currently use a Cycles and a Octatrack to make most of my music and it’s a great combination. Quick resampling using the Octatrack works very well. The added fx’s help to liven up the whole thing. Also the additional lfo’s give a lot more versatility to the Cycles.

Can definitely recommend.


Digitakt has entered the chat

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So it seems that Octatrack is winning here :grinning:
Even if I had a previous bad experience with it, probably I have been unlucky, I could give another chance!
Digitakt could be a cheaper solution, but I am afraid that I could miss something anyway. :roll_eyes:

I was also considering Wavestate since it seems pretty awesome, but it is missing some important features that Octatracks has, such as FXs, sequencing and sampling.

MPC One and MC707 are other options to consider.

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You could do A LOT with just a M:C and a Lyra.

But for the things you’re looking for, I’d go A4 definitely. Probably no need for a Mk2… you can get a Mk1 for cheap and have enough left over to pick up a Blackbox for long samples as well :slight_smile:


I’m tempted to say Cycles + Polyend Tracker because it’s awesome for coming up with Euclidian melodies/percussion plus it monitors in stereo with a master limiter (plus external sidechain).

Wow! Lyra seems amazing! I’ve just watched a review from Sonic Lab and it is so weird (in a good way!) :crazy_face:
Damn… Now I want it!

I am also undecided between A4 and Octatrack, I mean I am not sure if, for this project, it is better to have a live sampler like the Octatrack or a complex polyphonic synth like the A4! :thinking:

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Obviously both can do so much in the studio and live… I’d say if you have a lot of different sources you’d like to sample and integrate into your collaboration I’d say OT, but if you’d like some proper analog synthesis to compliment the M:C (and all the other Elektron sequencer/fx stuff) I’d go A4.