Which MIDI keyboards need a USB host?

I’ve been looking at the Arturia Keystep, with a view to pairing it with the Digitone.

How can I determine whether a MIDI controller requires a USB host? I’d like to avoid that if possible.


Well, almost all of them, if you want MIDI over USB. Only bigger stage piano-like devices can be directly connected to an instrument. But there are doodads like from retrofits or Kenton that make it easier. Not cheaper though…
[edit for reference] But if you just want to control a DN, you can use MIDI over MIDI cables. Then there are a whole bunch of controllers that don’t need a USB host.
I was confused by the question, because it appears to mix MIDI over MIDI cables with MIDI over USB. Perhaps this loopop video helps? https://youtu.be/neXswJJcatc


You’ll need to just check specs. If the keyboard has neither a 5 pin din midi socket, nor a mini jack midi socket, then it’s only USB midi and will require a midi host.

You’ll find a large number of keyboards fall into that category. If you can be more specific about what you want (mini key/full size, 2 octave/88 keys) I’m sure you’ll get suggestions here.

EDIT: - I’m fairly sure that all the various key steps won’t require a usb host, but don’t take my word for it, check.

There are exceptions to that … launchkey mini for intance

Thanks for the pointers…

I was specifically looking at the KeyStep 37 - reasonably compact, keys apparently feel decent. Wouldn’t want to spend more than that for now.

I already have a larger keyboard with weighted keys which I’m using for piano practice in another room. Just looking for something a bit more intuitive for pairing with the DN for playing chords and occasional use in a live setup.

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Keystep 37 doesn’t need a usb host, has 5-pin midi (easy to spot on google images)

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any midi controller that has midi out will work with DN without a host.
(though keep in mind you still have to power it either with usb or wall)
i have used DN with keystep 37 and it worked fine.

chord/strum and different flavor of arp, is a fun addition for DN.
(one thing ill say about downsides is that aftertouch is useless on it, everything else is prefference)


What? No!

Only the smallest slim controllers lacking TRS or DIN MIDI need a host.


Aftertouch is useless only if you want to record it, but DN still reacts to it when played live.

on KS37 you have to push unreasonably hard for it to register, and its a known problem.
its there only to tick a feature checkbox in the store listing sadly.

(i think its possible to mod it to make it better, if you are into that sort of thing)

Thanks all, feel better informed now, and am grateful to hear some specific details about the Keystep 37. Much appreciated!

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Are the other key steps the same wrt aftertouch?

I haven’t had problems playing my Keystep 37 with aftertouch.

That is, if the synth it is controlling is properly set up to receive aftertouch, the aftertouch data is scaled for the desired behavior, etc.

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The keystep 37bneeds power via usb or wall, then the midi will connect to your DT. Its wonderful, and if you got the bread, the keystep pro has multiple channels and a tr style sequencer with 4 tracks.

but the 37 has some functions the more expensive Pro doesnt have, which is chord mode and different strum modes to play chords.

another alternative is the Beatstep Pro, but it is monophonic. still amazing.

And as far as aftertouch, there is a free editor to configure EVERYthing about the controller, including the aftertouch curve.

I suggest the 37 to start, and it will serve you very well

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Sorry, I should mention… Arturia just came out with a new minilab for about 100 dollars, which is half the price, and is just a straight controller with NO aftertouch, but IS velocity sensitive. Plus controls for the DAW.


DO IT. Its made specifically for your purpose. And is built like a tank. The 37 is perfect for you… and trust me, nothing really compares for the price. The keys are small though, but not too small… just like the Yamaha CS’s

There’s also a very new 37 key akai. The keys are smaller than the key step, in loopop’s video he does a direct size comparison

i also think you should just get KS37, and see where you want to go from there. its a good controller, maybe its perfect for you. there are many people with many different needs, each has their own perfect midi keyboard.

it can be difficult to navigate the land of midi controllers so i made a list for you. all of these should work with DN, and they are the current best small models alongside KS37:

keystep 37 (37 keys, best keys)
minilab mk3 (25 keys, best keys + endless knobs + faders)
akai mini plus ( 37 keys, best pads + pitch/mod wheels + endless pots)
oxygen pro mini (32 keys, faders + pitch/mod wheels)
donner dmk-25 pro ( 25 keys, compact + endless “knobs” + faders)
novation launchkey mini mk3 (25 keys, compact + most amount of pads)
irig keys 25 (smalles footprint for 25 full sized keys + endless knobs - outdated/used only)
qunexus (utra small, 25 pads instead of keys, most expressive)

everything else either doesnt have midi out, or too big.


What the actual… This is so kind; thank you so much! I’ll be checking out everything on this list, even if I do still end up with the Keystep.

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ive been on a lookout for perfect controller for my setup for a while. im happy to share the research :pray: