White noise on master volume

My DT has developed another problem. I’m getting some kind of white noise on the main volume pot. If I turn it, it sounds similar to a filter sweep but only at a specific point on the rotation. Whats confusing is it changes, in the last hour or so I’ve been checking it while using the unit, and it has shifted about from about 10’o clock, then 12’oclock, then only when the volume is at max, other times it disappears completely.

Just sent another complaining message to support but I don’t expect to hear back today. Has anybody else had this kind of issue? Its weird, the fact that it ‘moves’ makes me think maybe its not hardware issue, though its clearly the volume pot that has the issue.

Have you tried giving it a few good full turns?
Sometimes unruly crackly pots want a bit of a gentle workout.

Is there noise when you‘re not turning the knob too?

Yeah I’ve given it a few twists and the noise stays put, then later I’ll check it again and its in a different position on the pot, very strange :alien:

And yes, if I leave the pot in the position where the noise is, the noise stays.

Hopefully support will know more, could be crosstalk between the volume and headphone jack but its weird that it moves position

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My digitone developed the same problem over time. I remember recently reading here about how someone embraced it and refuses to have theirs fixed since it’s now an admirable part of their sound. :slight_smile:

It might just be dirty parts. I’ve had several PA amps develop “noise and crackle” problems in the volume knobs, sent them out for a good clean and once over and they came back sounding great. And it was the same thing–only got noise or crackle at certain points, but it was still just dirt and grime causing the problem.