Who Beat the Tick?

Simple Q…

Which Elektron box is the most accurate to be used as MIDI clock master?

I think the race is between OT- A4 - MM ?

And if you answer…you do know why? motivate the answer please!

Thanks a lot in advance!


If someone’s done testing I’m keen to know.

You know this site?
[http://www.innerclocksystems.com/New%20ICS%20Litmus.html](http://www.innerclocksystems.com/New ICS Litmus.html)

^ nice! tomorrow i’ll try this out
thanks alot meanwhile

I remember Daniel at Elektron recommending the
OT as Master & not the MD or MNM as timing had improved substantially!
I’m using Cirklon at the mo & that’s incredible!

Interesting thread here for those interested in the nut & bolts


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haven’t scrolled through that looong page…then i put Elektron in the search option and i found three friends…ehehehe!!
About MD i was already aware…but now i am convinced to keep using the OT as master!
Thanks a lot!

It’s a good site but I have to take their rating system with a pinch of salt, considering that the SH-101 and TR-909 get the lowest ‘lemon’ rating. I haven’t heard a lot of people complaining about the lousy timing of the 909. On the other hand I’m not giving up my Elektron gear :wink:

this larger timing changes could result in hearing drum trannsients clearer. i dunno. seems like octa is the best for mastering, as i suspected. my setup is octa main > a4 > mono > md > ms2000r > emx1

I did some testing on mine a while back. OT had really good clock compared to the MD. MD sequenced from OT was also tighter than MD alone. So let OT run the show as Jon said.

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Indeed…my setup (since the Quombo) has always been

OT master > ThruBox > > >


Thanks Guys!!

OT as master here as well. Works great and seems the most logical in my setup as it’s also the main sequencer.