Who here doesn't have any in-production Elektron gear

I realised the other day I don’t have anything that Elektron is currently making, even though Elektron boxes are kind of the core of my set up.
Who else here is rocking just out of production Elektron units?

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:sparkling_heart: rytm mk1

Yep. Currently 7 elektron machines. All silver or mk 1’s. No worries.

Only Elektron machine that hold some* appeal atm is a Digitone.
After just replacing battery, disk drive and screen in a SY77, its kinda redundant though, and seriously underpowered compared to what is now a 30 year old synth.


OT sold
DT sold
DN sold
A4 sold
RYTM sent back because of bugs
HEAT sold because of OB latency
MDUW+ and MnM+ : still here. I don’t use them much but I have a deep respect for them.

Why am I still hanging around elektronauts ? :slightly_smiling_face:


because deep in your heart you know you want another OT :wink:


Does an Analog Drive count ? :wink:

That and an A4 mk 1, which gets used more or less every other time the studio power plug gets turned on, though more frequently following the MIDI out update.

Machinedrum UW, Rytm, Digitakt —sold.

Analog Drive—must have.

sounds like a hell of a setup!


Kinda true. It’s “hell” to operate more than 3 Elektrons at once for my poorly grey matter. They all have their uses though.

MD Sold.
A4 Sold.
AH Sold.
DN Sold.

AK, put it on sale, people were making crazy low offers, kept it, now probably one of the centerpiece of my setup.

Never really managed to tame the gas for a MnM…I 'll probably get one someday…

I also have an OTMkII but that is out of topic.

MDuw. :+1:t3:
OT (mk2) :+1:t3:
MnM on the way. :ok_hand:t3:
DN. :paw_prints:

might end up letting the DN go. it’s a fantastic unit but I’m more into the older machines ability to feed the tracks into one another in their various ways. that’s where the magic happens for me.

I really hope they bring that stuff back in their future releases. resampling, neighbour tracks, oh yes :slight_smile:


DT sold
DN sold
OT sold
A4 mkII sold

I absolutely loved the first three, but I didn’t finish anything. Now back to Ableton and already after a couple of weeks productive as f***.

Actually I am better at Ableton now, because of my years with the Elektron-boxes.


Could you develop why and what do you use instead each sold piece ? and which sequencer do you use now ? Just curious. :slight_smile:

OT I only. Digitone is tempting.

Hi there !!
Detail everything would be, well, a bit long.
But the short story is : i never found any sequencer that I like. Well, the Cirklon was ok, but I’m more of a “visual” guy. It’s a matter of music style, I guess. I write music a bit in a classical way, sometimes literally “classical”. In a nutshell, I LOVE Ableton Live.
And also, I can’t stand the 16 steps paradigm (see Sequencers : Please add steps per pages!)

Every machine was bought in its own time, and has its own story.

When I bought the OT, i wanted to make livelooping with it : it’s totally not fun in comparison with Live. Also the timestretch and FX leave me totally unimpressed.
Also I can’t stand 16 steps.

The Digitone is a great machine, perhaps the only one that I regret. But at the time, the firmware didn’t allow “free” fm ratios, so it was leaning me towards too clean sounds.
Also I can’t stand 16 steps.

The Digitakt, I didn’t have fun in sample manipulations.
Also I can’t stand 16 steps.

The A4 : didn’t really like the feel, the knobs, and 4 voices is not enough for me.
Also I can’t stand 16 steps.

RYTM : it crashed the FIRST time I switched it on.
Also I can’t stand 16 steps.

HEAT : was planning to use with Ableton Live, but the latency with OB, seriously ??

But it’s not 16 steps ! Haha ! Nothing to reply now ! :rofl:

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MnM, Rytm MKI, Heat MKI, and a DN to finish off the timeline. MnM still seems like the most futuristic of the lot!


Thanks for the detailed answer ! Indeed, I see what you’re feeling with the 16 steps sequencer, as I love Ableton Live as well and the visual layout really help for someone like me who uses daily animation/vfx softwares. And therefore I always end up by creating a track in the Live composer view. But what I found in thoses elektron sequencers (I only have DT and DN) are more a way to come up with ideas than to compose, by trying out stuff really quickly. (still way too inexperienced and shy about music to use them as performance tools tho)

Also, I didn’t have the time to dig on latest firmware releases the past few months, but I think that the Digitakt now has the ability to have ‘per track length’, meaning you can have virtually patterns that are longer than 16 steps.

And yeah the latest Digitone firmware was a huge improvement, mostly thanks to ratio tweaking and portamento, you should try it again!

(p.s: listener since 2012, j’ai gardé un super souvenir du concert avec Ezekiel au Bataclan il y a quelques années :slight_smile: )

My problem is with the interface. When you work for instance in 3/4, first beat of bar 2 is on step 13, first beat of bar 3 is on step 9, etc… It’s just improper to play live.

(P.S., super souvenir, j’étais solo ? Ou plutôt en groupe non, mais ça devait être 2014 ou 2015…https://www.mowno.com/concerts/photos/ez3kiel-et-chapelier-fou-au-bataclan-dans-loeil-de-mowno/ )

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Yeah I understand, not suited for any kind of music then. I guess I am too much of a beginner to be bothered by this haha :smiley:

(P.S. oui, c’était ce concert en décembre 2014 ! (en groupe donc) perfect night !)