Who here doesn't have any in-production Elektron gear

Ride and Die. Plus OTMKI.

DT and AH would be nice.

OT Mk1 (2011)
A4 Mk1 (2013)
AR Mk1 (2015)
AH Mk1 (2017)

still in use, i will not change to the new ones - no need for it

they serve me well, exept the OT is getting less and less love over the years despite the powerful architecture - it is acting like a scratchpad for me when i got the feeling to do something arkward

but thinking about a DN to complete the trio from the digital side

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I like my little TM but it bothers me that i need to reconnect it to my computer everytime i power-cycle the comp!

I had the second Machine Drum imported to the US (stolen)
Monomachine (Stolen)
Octotrack mk1 (Sold)
Analog Drive (Sold, because I’m purchasing a Analog Heat)
Analog Keys, which I was considering selling due to the inability to use it as a master keyboard. Thanks to the 1.4 update it’s now where is always should have been. Hopefully with the update the used market price will go up a little.

OT mkI
AH mkI

Classic Trinity through a mkI Heat. Oldskool rules :stuck_out_tongue:



What was the problem for you using it as a master keyboard?

No midi out of the sequencer pre the newest patch.

Been considering the heat - what latency problems did you experience with OB?

AK, AR1, MD, MnM, 2xAH.
They will stay as long as they last.
Have sold my OT1 for a OT2. Great UI, but I miss the MK1 though.

AR Mk1 And MD Mk2 UW+
Betwoon those, I can’t see myself ever needing anything else.
Then again, maybe a Monomachine :blush:

Keys dark trinity 4life. :sunglasses:

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AR MK1 in 2016
A4 MK1 in 2017
AH MK2 in 2018
OT MK2 in 2019

happy as f*ck - would not sell any of these devices :slight_smile:


AK, AR mk1, AH mk1, OT mk1, MNM mk2+, MD UW mk2+.


Can’t remember the exact numbers, but the plugin added something like 20-30ms.

I use all my Elektron gear… A4mk1 and digitakt… its all I have so its hard not to use…

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I sold my last Elektron Machine (AR mk1) recently and took the Eurorack route. I should have done this waaay earlier to not have to deal with Elektron issues.

So actually, there is no point for me to further hang around here.

So farewell and goodbye folks.

Mods can delete my account.

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Currently none. I just wish the OT had Overbridge. It would be the perfect instrument.

me too… heck, if it had 8 analogue outputs that you could configure as mono or stereo pairs that would be the dream